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一、do you think punctuality is important,and why围绕这

1、I found in our side, there are often some non punctual person, he or she is late, not just a"sorry" can be saved.

2、The German philosopher Immanuel Kant to to visit an old friend of his, William, specially in visit the day before evening arrived in town, and for the second day of the visit hired a carriage, because he and William agreed on the second day 11:00 in the morning before the arrival of the.

3、The next day, Kant set out, the way must be through a bridge, but due to various reasons, broken bridge, then comes the spring season, the river is very deep, carriage is unable to spend. Kant Wen Che J:"there is no bridge near here?" The answer even if the nearest bridge needs 40 minutes! This is definitely not too late. Kant saw a cottage on the side of the bridge. He spent 200 francs at the bridge, and the master quickly repaired the bridge. Kant finally arrived at 10:50 when the old friend William's home. And in a friend's house, he did not mention the occurrence of the road. When William later learned of the incident, he said to Kant:"it doesn't matter if you are late for a friend, why are you so!" And the Kant said,"no matter who you are, whatever the reason, you must be on time."

4、In Kant's view,"punctuality" is very important, but it is not so important. Once, I and my friends to buy clothes, agreed to the station, etc.. A total of five people, four people together, is not seen trace of X, we waited for 15 minutes, she does not appear, worry we took out his cell phone, don't stop to call her, but her mobile phone shutdown, and for her family to call, her home phone line was her sister pulled out. So we had to wait and comfort each other, about more than an hour later, she was very leisurely through the road, walk to the station, but also asked us:"you are so early ah!" She turned out to be the wrong time!

5、We were very angry, and she seemed to think we were too mean. Because of her late, we catch a cold, four people in three people suffering from a cold."I was wrong, I don't know!" We more Wohuo. Later even though she constantly explain, constantly apology, we eventually put her ousting, from"good friends" give her to delete.

6、X lost a friend because he was not punctual, but Kant would rather spend money to be punctual. We can find numerous examples of such an example to illustrate the importance of punctuality. Punctuality is not a"time", there is a"respect" for others, respect for their own, we are willing to abide by the promise of each of us, to keep the agreement, to do a punctual person









2、例如,“Punctuality is very important in our company”(守时在我们公司非常重要)。


三、punctuality pays课文翻译













One of the cultural differences that tends to annoy Americans has to do with understanding of punctuality. Getting ahead at work starts with getting to work on time!

If you come from a culture that has a more relaxed view of time, you're likely to be surprised at how serious Americans are about time.

While not all Americans are punctual all the time, the society as a whole operates on the basis of well-kept schedules. This is true in personal and community life as well as in U.S. business culture.

Here's a real-life story that happened to me recently. I had scheduled a business meeting with a team from India, but had somehow forgotten to log it into my schedule.

Arriving at my office 30 minutes after the appointment, I found a voice message telling me the team was waiting for me in the meeting room.

Being afraid that I had missed the appointment,I hurried in, and found them happily chatting together. Their attitude was“Ah! You're here! We can start now!”

If the team had been American, it's likely they would have been annoyed, and unlikely they would have waited more than 10 minutes— at the most.

They would have left me a message asking to reschedule the meeting. Why?

Because American-style appointments have a firm end as well as start time, and if you start late you won't be able to finish the business at hand without running beyond the scheduled ending time.

(1)例句:Reliability and punctuality have become more important.


(2)例句:I expect punctuality from my students.

(3)例句:And it's got nothing to do with your punctuality.

(4)例句:He's becoming more and more obsessive about punctuality.


(5)例句:His concern with tidiness and punctuality


(1)例句:Death pays all debts and all thoughts are dashed.

(2)例句:Every bank pays close attention to the speed and accuracy of its staff.


(3)例句:Sara also pays a share of the gas, electricity and phone bills.


(4)例句:It pays to invest in protective clothing


(5)例句:He pays too much heed these days to my nephew Tom, and Tom is no great thinker.

