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第三人称单数: corrects现在分词: correcting过去式: corrected过去分词: corrected

派生词: correctly adv. correctness n.

accurate or true, without any mistakes

1、Please check that these details are correct.

‘Are you in charge here?’‘That's correct.’


Am I correct in saying that you know a lot about wine?

right and suitable, so that sth is done as it should be done

Do you know the correct way to shut the machine down?

I think you've made the correct decision.


taking care to speak or behave in a way that follows the accepted standards or rules

He is always very correct in his speech.

Have you spelled it correctly?

They reasoned, correctly, that she was away for the weekend.


He was looking correctly grave.

[U]The correctness of this decision may be doubted.




1.You need to spell your name correctly on the application form.


2.The teacher corrected the student's pronunciation and showed him how to say the word correctly.


3.The machine is not working correctly, so we need to call a technician to fix it.



It's important to use the equipment correctly to avoid accidents.


2.pronounce correctly:正确发音

Can you pronounce this word correctly? I'm not sure if I'm saying it right.


You need to spell the word correctly in order to get full marks on the test.


If you want to pass the exam, you need to answer the questions correctly.



读音:英 [kəˈrekt]美 [kəˈrɛkt]


第三人称单数: corrects现在分词: correcting过去式: corrected过去分词: corrected

记忆技巧:cor表加强+ rect正→一再改正→纠正

1、The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8

2、You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree


3、The use of the correct materials was crucial

correct a mistake纠正(或批改)错误

读音:英 [raɪt]美 [raɪt]



第三人称单数: rights复数: rights现在分词: righting过去式: righted过去分词: righted

2、I was right in my conjecture [ guess].




第三人称单数: trues复数: trues现在分词: truing过去式: trued过去分词: trued比较级: truer最高级: truest

1、Everything I had heard about him was true


2、Maybe one day you'll find true love



correct的读音是:英[k?'rekt]。correct的例句是用作形容词(adj.)Your answer to the question is correct.你对这个问题的回答是正确的。correct【近义词】accurate。



Adjective:free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth;"the correct answer"

socially right or correct;"it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"

in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure;"what's the right word for this?"

"the right way to open oysters"

correct in opinion or judgment;"time proved him right"

Verb:make right or correct;"Correct the mistakes"

make reparations or amends for;"right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"

censure severely;"She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"

adjust for;"engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"

punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience;"The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently"

go down in value;"the stock market corrected"

alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard;"Adjust the clock, please"

"correct the alignment of the front wheels"

treat a defect;"The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia"

Your answer to the question is correct.

So far no correct conclusion has arrived at.


Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.


Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any.

She criticizes him. She is trying to correct his bad habits.

用作动词(v.)correct to(v.+prep.)把…改成… change sth into sth

correct sth to sthPlease correct a to the.

You should correct the small letter i to capital letter I.

Mr. Hunt is..quite correct in saying that [etc.]

出自:Ld MacaulayTrying to open a safe without knowing the correct combination.

出自:. G. GordonHaving made a mistake..he went back and corrected it.

出自:W. S. Churchill七、词源解说

☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的corrigere:cor(强调)+ regere(规则),意为改进,使符合规则。correct的相关近义词

accurate、exact、proper、right、true、precise、chasten、chastise、rebuke、rectify、remedy、reprove、set right


correction、corral、corrected、corrector、correctly、Correct.、correct to、correctant、correct for、correctness、correct use、correct oil


五、need correcting和need correction区别

1、 need correcting意思是需要被纠正/更正的。是英语中主动表示被动的一种现象,相当于need to be corrected.类似用法的单词还有want(需要),require(需要),deserve(值得)。例如:

2、Thatfencedoesneedrepairing,I'm afraid.

3、When theyhave done wrong, andyoufeel thattheyneedcorrecting,do it.


5、need correction是动词加宾语构成的动宾短语。需要更正,侧重事实。也可以和need correction互相替换。

6、If you later need correction,don't hesitate,如果以后有需要整改,别犹豫。

7、There aresomeprogrammingerrorsthat needcorrection.

8、ItAIDSyourbodywhile itadjuststostress,balancingand stabilizing anyareas




2、读音:英 [kə'rekt]美 [kə'rekt] adj.正确的,得体的v.改正,纠正例句:Your answer to the question is correct.翻译:你对这个问题的回答是正确的。短语:correct exposure适当的曝光

3、作动词时意为“改正;批改(学生作业);校正;指出错误;抵消;校准(仪器);修正、调整(数据)”。第三人称单数: corrects现在分词: correcting过去式: corrected过去分词: corrected

4、近义词:accurate英 ['ækjərət]美 ['ækjərət] adj.准确的,精确的例句:The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.翻译:经理让办公室职员认识到做精确记录的重要性。短语:accurate aim准确的目标

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