contributions to(make contribution的用法)

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大家好,contributions to相信很多的网友都不是很明白,包括make contribution的用法也是一样,不过没有关系,接下来就来为大家分享关于contributions to和make contribution的用法的一些知识点,大家可以关注收藏,免得下次来找不到哦,下面我们开始吧!

一、make contribution to和make contributions to有什么区别吗

1、make contribution to与make contributions to用法是根据语句情景判定的。

2、contribution它作抽象概念“贡献’讲解时,是不可数名词,不用复数,但是可以使用不定冠词a表示一次性、一过性的行为。make a contribution to....这个短语的含义就是对.....作出贡献。它表示稿件、投稿时,是可数名词,可以有复数形式。

1、I think this will make contribution to our jilin educational reform.


2、Be a man who can make contribution to your hometown and country!

3、Let's work hard to make contribution to our country in the future.


4、I hope I can make contribution to the society.

5、In addition resumptive pronouns can make contribution to emphasis and exaggeration.


1、We should make contributions to the west of our country.


2、You will continually learn and grow to ensure you will make contributions to the job and add value to our organization.


3、I would like to make contributions to help the earthquake& tsunami victims in Asian countries.


4、In any place, Chinese enterprises should make contributions to the local economic development actively.


5、It is our duty to make contributions to our motherland.

二、是make contribution to还是make contributions to

1、make contribution to与make contributions to用法是根据语句情景判定的。

2、contribution它作抽象概念“贡献’讲解时,是不可数名词,不用复数,但是可以使用不定冠词a表示一次性、一过性的行为。make a contribution to....这个短语的含义就是对.....作出贡献。它表示稿件、投稿时,是可数名词,可以有复数形式。

1、I think this will make contribution to our jilin educational reform.


2、Be a man who can make contribution to your hometown and country!

3、Let's work hard to make contribution to our country in the future.


4、I hope I can make contribution to the society.

5、In addition resumptive pronouns can make contribution to emphasis and exaggeration.


1、We should make contributions to the west of our country.


2、You will continually learn and grow to ensure you will make contributions to the job and add value to our organization.


3、I would like to make contributions to help the earthquake& tsunami victims in Asian countries.


4、In any place, Chinese enterprises should make contributions to the local economic development actively.


5、It is our duty to make contributions to our motherland.

三、make contribution to和make contributions to的区别是什么

1、make contribution to与make contributions to用法是根据语句情景判定的。

2、contribution它作抽象概念“贡献’讲解时,是不可数名词,不用复数,但是可以使用不定冠词a表示一次性、一过性的行为。make a contribution to....这个短语的含义就是对.....作出贡献。它表示稿件、投稿时,是可数名词,可以有复数形式。

1、I think this will make contribution to our jilin educational reform.


2、Be a man who can make contribution to your hometown and country!

3、Let's work hard to make contribution to our country in the future.


4、I hope I can make contribution to the society.

5、In addition resumptive pronouns can make contribution to emphasis and exaggeration.


1、We should make contributions to the west of our country.


2、You will continually learn and grow to ensure you will make contributions to the job and add value to our organization.


3、I would like to make contributions to help the earthquake& tsunami victims in Asian countries.


4、In any place, Chinese enterprises should make contributions to the local economic development actively.


5、It is our duty to make contributions to our motherland.

四、make contribution to的用法

1、make contribution to与make contributions to用法是根据语句情景判定的。

2、contribution它作抽象概念“贡献’讲解时,是不可数名词,不用复数,但是可以使用不定冠词a表示一次性、一过性的行为。make a contribution to....这个短语的含义就是对.....作出贡献。它表示稿件、投稿时,是可数名词,可以有复数形式。

1、I think this will make contribution to our jilin educational reform.


2、Be a man who can make contribution to your hometown and country!

3、Let's work hard to make contribution to our country in the future.


4、I hope I can make contribution to the society.

5、In addition resumptive pronouns can make contribution to emphasis and exaggeration.


1、We should make contributions to the west of our country.


2、You will continually learn and grow to ensure you will make contributions to the job and add value to our organization.


3、I would like to make contributions to help the earthquake& tsunami victims in Asian countries.


4、In any place, Chinese enterprises should make contributions to the local economic development actively.


5、It is our duty to make contributions to our motherland.

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