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一、nvidia container的中文翻译是什么

1、"nvidia container"意思就是英伟达显卡的驱动,一般会占较多cpu。这个是更新驱动时候要用的的,如果占用cpu过高,建议更新驱动解决。

2、System Idle process是Windows自带的节能程序,完全正常不影响速度。NvNetworkService这个是Nvidia硬件(一般是显卡)驱动自带的更新程序,如果不需要经常更新显卡驱动或者习惯自己下载驱动来更新,是没有必要开启的,建议把它卸载。

3、在控制面板里面的添加删除程序那里,软件名称应该叫Nvidia更新或者Nvidia Update。



container的短语搭配:container transport集装箱运输;container terminal集装箱码头;container ship集装箱运货船;container port货柜港口;pressure container压力容器;container crane集装箱起重机;plastic container塑料容器。

1、The metalcontainerbegan to emit a clicking sound.金属容器开始发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。

2、Do not fill thecontainermore than two-thirds full.加入的量不要超过容器总容量的2/3。

3、Food will last longer if kept in an airtightcontainer.如果贮藏在密封的容器里,食物能保持比较久的时间。





container:英 [kənˈteɪnə(r)]美 [kənˈteɪnər]意思:n.容器;集装箱;货柜

1. Store the peppercorns in an airtightcontainerand grind the pepper as you need it.


2. Heat the liquid in a large, widecontainerrather than a high narrow one, or it can boil over.


3. Food will last longer if kept in an airtightcontainer.


4. I placed a sheet of plastic over the top of thecontainer.


5. They postulated a 500-year lifespan for a plasticcontainer.


6. Once thecontaineris full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.


四、英语since in a container怎么翻译

1、英语since in a container翻译成中文是:“因为在一个容器里”。






7、She's so easily fatigued since her illness.

8、She hasn't been out riding since the accident.


10、He must have taken the book since it isn't here.


12、Since you can't answer the question, perhaps we'd better ask someone else.


14、He had spoken to her only once since the party.


五、Servings Per Container: 30 中文怎么解释

serving英 [ˈsɜ:vɪŋ]美 [ˈsɜrvɪŋ]

n.服务;(食物或饮料的)一份;上菜;adj.用于上菜的;v.(为…)服务( serve的现在分词);任(职);提供;端上

1、He will actually beservingthree concurrent five-year sentences.


2、Empty the noodles and liquid into aservingbowl.


1、He pronounced itPer-sha, the way the English do.


2.By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirtypercent of GNP.


英 [kənˈteɪnə(r)]美 [kənˈtenɚ]


1、Place them in a jam jar, porcelain bowl, or other similarcontainer.


2.Thecontaineris invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it.


六、请中文翻译成英文 要求准确 谢谢

一、中国画的历史及分类 First, the history of Chinese painting and classification

中国画是为了区别于西方输入的油画(又称西洋画)等外国绘画而称之为中国画,简称国画。 Chinese painting is to import oil from the West(also known as the Western painting), and other foreign referred to as Chinese painting and drawing, or painting.中国画历史悠久,远在2000多年前的战国时期就出现了画在丝织品上的绘画——帛画(龙凤人物图),这之前又有原始岩画(人面像)和彩陶画《鹳鱼石斧》。 Chinese painting has a long history, far more than 2000 years ago in the Warring States period, there have been painting in the painting on silk- Bo Hua(dragon and phoenix figures chart), and prior to the original rock(like the face) and painted pottery painting,"Stork axes fish."中国画按其使用材料和表现方法,又可细分为水墨画、重彩、浅绛、工笔、写意、白描等;中国画按照题材分三大画科---人物画、山水画、花鸟画。 Chinese painting their use of materials and methods of performance, but also for the breakdown of the ink, re-color, Qianjiang, fine brushwork, freehand brushwork, and so on Baimiao; Chinese painting in accordance with sub-themes of the three branches--- painting portraits, landscapes, bird and flower painting.中国画在思想内容和艺术创作上,反映了中华民族的社会意识和审美情趣,集中体现了中国人对自然、社会及与之相关联的政治、哲学、宗教、道德、文艺等方面的认识。 Chinese painting in the ideological content and artistic creation, reflects Chinese people's awareness of social and aesthetic appeal, embodies the Chinese people on the natural, social and associated with the political, philosophical, religious, moral, artistic, and so on.

中国画是用中国所独有的毛笔、水墨和颜料,依照长期形成的表现形式及艺术法则而创作出的绘画。 Chinese painting is unique to the Chinese writing brush, ink and paint, in accordance with long-standing rule and artistic form of expression and creation of a painting.

二、中国画的工具、材料和使用方法 Second, Chinese painting tools, materials and methods of use

1、调色工具:以白色的瓷器制品较佳,调色或调墨应准备小碟子数个,除色以梅花盘及层碟较理想,不同的颜料应该分开储放。 1, the tool palette: white porcelain products better, or color ink should be prepared to transfer a number of small dishes, with the exception of color with plum-disc set and a better, different color should be stored separately.

贮水盂:盛水作洗笔或供应清水之用,亦以白色瓷器为较佳。 Cup water storage: water for washing or pens use water supply, also white porcelain for the better.

画毡:衬在画桌上,可以防止墨渗透将画沾污,铺纸后画面也不易被笔将纸擦坏。 Carpet painting: painting on the table in the liner to prevent infiltration of ink painting will be stained, the paper shop after the screen is not easily wipe pen to paper bad.

笔:笔分硬毫与软毫两类,狼毫、紫毫等为硬毫。 Pen: Pen cents at hardware and software categories cents, Lang Hao, for hardware such as Zihao cents.特点是有弹性、吸水少、流水快,画线条挺直、流畅,易画枯笔。 Characterized by a flexible, less water, fast flowing water, drawing straight lines, smooth and easy to dry paint pen.羊毫为软毫特点是吸水量多,流水慢,画出的墨色滋润、圆浑,浓淡变化明显。 Yang Hao cents for soft water is characterized by multi-volume, slow-flowing water, the color of the draw moisture, Yuanhun, obvious changes in the value of the concentration.

墨砚:墨用油烟墨,砚以磨出细腻发黑的墨为好。 Yan Mexico: Mexico by fumes from Mexico, Mo Chu Yan in the delicate black ink for good.现在用的墨汁如一得阁也能画出相应的效果。 Now with the Court must act in the same ink can also draw the corresponding results.

纸:写意用的纸是生宣纸,在众多的种类中以徽宣纸最好,能表现墨色变化效果。 Paper: The paper is a decent-sheng paper, in many types of paper so as to the best logo, to effect changes in the performance of the color.

颜料:国画颜料分矿物质颜料与植物颜料两类。 Color: color painting sub-mineral pigment plant and two types of paint.矿物质颜料有赭石、朱砂、石青、石绿等,植物颜料有藤黄(有毒,不要放入口中)胭脂、花青等色。 There are mineral pigments ocher, Cinnabar, Shiqing, green, and so Gamboge a paint plant(toxic, not to mouth) rouge, such as anthocyanin color.此外,还有人工合成的铅粉(锌白)朱膘等色。 In addition, there are synthetic Lead(zinc white) colors, such as Zhu fat.矿物质色厚重,有覆盖性。 Mineral rich color, there is coverage.植物色也叫水色,透明色薄。 Also known as Color plant color, transparent color thin.

问题补充:不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案不要翻译机器给的答案 Add: Do not machine translation to translate not the answer to the machine translation machines do not answer to the answer machine translation not to answer not the answer to the machine translation will not translate to the machine translation machines do not answer to the machine translation will not answer to the The answer should not translate to the machine translation machines do not answer to the answer to the machine translation will not answer to the machine translation will not answer to the machine translation will not answer to the machine translation will not answer
