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1. bee detached, move away脱离

• to break away from [somebody]/[something]脱离某人/某事物• the young elephant broke away from the herd小象离群了 2. escape«person, animal, boat, kite»挣脱

• to break away from [somebody]/[something]摆脱某人/某事物逃走 3. Sport«runner, cyclist»领先

• to break away from [somebody]/[something]甩开某人/某群 B transitive verb [break something away, break away something]使脱离

• to break the shell away from the egg剥去蛋壳

• part of the cliff had been broken away悬崖的一部分已经崩落

A intransitive verb 1. stop functioning«machine, system»发生故障 2. fail«negotiations»失败;«relations»破裂;«discipline, agreement»失效;«moral values, system, coalition»崩溃

3. collapse mentally or physically«person, health»垮掉

• to break down under interrogation/torture经不起质问/折磨而垮掉

4. weep«person»失声痛哭 5. be classified«results, data»分类 6. Chemistry, Biology«pound, substance, food»分解• to break down into [something]分解成某物

B transitive verb [break down something, break something down] 1. knock down撞倒‹door, barrier› 2. overe克服‹shyness, obstacle, attitude›;瓦解‹resistance, opposition›

3. Chemistry, Biology cause to separate into parts分解‹pound, substance, food›

• to break [something] down into [something]把某物分解成某物

A intransitive verb 1. enter forcibly«thief, fire brigade»破门而入 2. interrupt«noise, action»打断

• to break in on [somebody]/[something]打断某人/某事• don't keep breaking in!不要总插嘴!

B [break something in, break in something] transitive verb 1. knock in砸破…进入‹box›

• the police broke the door in警察破门而入

2. wear, use把…穿得合脚‹shoes›;使…合用‹false teeth, tennis racket›

3. Equitation驯‹horse›

C [break somebody in, break in somebody] transitive verb训练‹recruit, novice›

• to break [somebody] in gently colloquial humorous逐渐驯化某人

transitive verb [break into something] 1. enter by force闯入‹house, bank›

• firefighters broke into the burning building消防员冲进燃烧的大楼

2. open by force砸开‹safe, money box, car›

3. start to use开启‹new box, new bottle› resort to using动用‹emergency supplies, savings› 4. pay with兑开‹note›

5. encroach on占用‹leisure time›

• he doesn't want to break into his evening他不想占用晚上的时间

6. begin to do突然发出‹laughter, cheers› change pace to突然加速‹run, trot›

• she broke into song她突然唱起歌来

• the horse broke into a gallop那匹马突然飞奔起来 7. make headway in打入‹market, show business›

A intransitive verb 1. snap off«tip, twig»折断 2. stop doing sth.突然停止

• to break off from [something]/doing [something]停止某事/做某事

• he broke off as his wife came into the room stopped speaking妻子一进屋他便不讲话了 B [break off something] transitive verb be snapped off«end, handle, mast, twig»从…处折断

C [break something off, break off something] transitive verb 1. snap off折断‹handle, twig, mast, part›

• to break [something] off [something]把某物从某处折断

• he broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me他掰下一块巧克力给了我

• break a bit off the end从末端折下一点 2. stop中断‹activity, meeting› terminate终止‹negotiations›;断绝‹connection, relations›• to break off doing [something]暂停做某事

• to break off [something] with [somebody]与某人断绝某种关系• they've broken off their engagement他们取消了婚约

A intransitive verb 1. start«war, argument, plague»爆发

• fire broke out on the third floor大火是从三楼烧起来的 2. appear«spots, pimples»突然冒出

• to break out over/on [something]突然布满某处

• sweat broke out all over his body他突然冒出一身汗 3. escape逃脱

• to break out of [something]逃出‹cage, trap›摆脱‹routine, rut, depression›• to break out of prison越狱

B transitive verb [break something out, break out something]开启…使用

• shall we break out the champagne?我们开了这瓶香槟酒吧?

transitive verb [break out in something]布满‹spots, pimples›• I broke out in a cold sweat我冒出一身冷汗

▪ break through A intransitive verb 1. force way through«person, animal, vehicle»冲过• the army broke through部队突围了 2. succeed取得突破

• to break through in the fight against cancer在抗癌方面取得突破

3. appear«moon, sun»露出

B transitive verb [break through something]

1. force way through冲破‹door, obstacle›;穿透‹floor, ground›;突破‹defence›

• the deer broke through the undergrowth那只鹿穿过了矮树丛 2. overe克服

• to break through [somebody's] reserve消除某人的矜持 3. emerge from«sun, moon»从…后露出‹clouds, fog›

A [break something up, break up something] transitive verb

1. reduce to pieces把…弄碎‹ice, table, chocolate›;拆散‹machine, jigsaw puzzle›

• frost had broken up the surface of the road严寒把路面冻裂了• to break [something] up into [something]把某物拆分成某物 2. divide分‹estate, job, paragraph›

• to break up [something] into [something]把某物分成某物

• the academic year is broken up into three terms一学年分为三个学期 3. make more interesting使…更有趣‹evening, journey, routine›

• to break up [something] with [something]用某事物调剂某事物• making food helps to break up the day做饭可以使日子不至于太单调

4. disperse解散‹party, meeting›;驱散‹protest, crowd›;制止‹fight›

• the troops used tear gas to break up the riot军队使用催泪弹驱散了骚乱的人群

• break it up! stop fighting别打了! disperse散开! humorous stop kissing别亲了!

look upon„as把„看作

concentrate one’s mind on专心于„

in surprise惊讶地 to one’s surprise使某人惊讶的是

be surprise at/to do/that对某事感到惊讶


pull on put on dress dress***

wear be in be dressed in have… on


1、Expand All全部展开;展开所有;全部扩展开;扩展所有的

2、expand folder展开资料夹;展开文件夹;展开或关闭文件夹;展开多层子目录

3、expand employment扩大就业面;扩大劳动就业;扩大就业

4、expand marquee扩展圈选;展开资料夹;详细翻译



7、Collapse All全部折叠;收缩所有;全部坍塌;全部折叠收缩

8、pulmonary collapse[内科]肺萎陷;应称作肺萎陷;应称肺萎陷

9、Collapse Hierarchy合并继承层次;折叠继承体系;塌陷级别;塌陷层级

10、And, well,nowweshouldexpandthis.


He got over while the traffic was stopped.

He gets over well when he wants to.

They got the play over all right.

I get it over to him that they wouldn't come.

These facts may be clear enough to us, who have made a study of them, but how are they to be got over to the man in the street?


Let's do the job now and get it over.


They got the work over as quickly as possible.

They only managed to get over ten kilometers.

We had to get over many difficulties.

He can't get over his shyness.

I hope you'll get over being angry.

Once these difficulties were got over, the work would speed up.


It took him a long time to get over his cold.

She seemed to have got over her distress.

她似乎已经摆脱了她的悲痛心情。 do well in 1. do well in economic construction

2. Peanuts do well in this area.

3. do well in the production of good models

4. She was resolved to do well in the factory.

5. He was keenly resolved to do well in the examination.


6. What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies


7. Students who do well in examinations are the ones who ask questions in class.


8. He actually supported my decision, although he knew I could do well in academia.




10. The scheme will do well enough in good hands.

在能人手里,这计划实施起来一定很不错。 be supposed to 1. be supposed to do sth.

2. Be it supposed to rain today?

3. Do not be alarmed you are supposed to lose.

4. You are supposed to be there.

5. Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing.

6. You are supposed to be smart.

7. We are supposed to be meeting alone.

8. The show is supposed to be good.

9. When am I supposed to be there?

10. He was commonly supposed to be dead.

人们一般都认为他死了。 as....as1. Our classroom has as many window as theirs.


2. You may as well tell me as the truth.

4. It seems as if he knows everything.

5. Lacking in musical qualities, such as melody or harmony.


6. You are required to fulfill these obligation as by law enact.


7. So long as socialism does not collapse in China, it will always hold its ground in the world.


8. We can perceive this symbol as a kind of attitude of life, one of treasuring life without being too obstinate.


9. Our hotel is settled recreation sports projects of fashion such as high-standard outdoor sports center, golf, indoor&outdoor tennis, fives-court, bowling alley, swimming pool, gym club, angling spot, etc., and amusement&leisure projects such as sauna, KTV, chess and card, etc.


10. As you have done so many good things for me,it is at least i can do to help you in return.

因为你已经为我做了那么多,所以我至少可以做这些来回报。 the same as 1. Ill have the same as him.

2. Jenny looks the same as before.

4. the village stayed the same; his attitude is the same as ever.


5. The size is about the same as the one above.

6. Are the rules the same as those of the pro?



8. Be my pencil the same as yours?

9. His attitude is the same as ever.

10. The same as stated above or before

11. Twins look the same as each other

12. That is the same as 2 villagers.

5. Bouncer to keep out undesirables.


7. Peaceable people keep out of quarrels.

8. Please keep out of my room.

9. The trees keep out the wind.

10. You must keep out of sight.

11. Try to keep out of trouble.

12. Keep out of reach of children.

13. shelter sth. from [keep out] the wind

14. America must keep out of this war.

15. Do try to keep out of trouble!

16. Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes. possible1. Please reply as soon as possible.

2. He ran as soon as possible.

3."As soon as possible, M. Danglars;


4. Read as many books as possible.

5. Cut expenses as much as possible.

6. Then phone as soon as possible.


7. Wendy Torrance: As soon as possible.

8. She spoke as small as possible.

9. Please speak as loud as possible.

10. Do it as soon as possible.

11.(of tempo) as fast as possible.

12. get sth. done as quick as possible

13. We moved,and as quickly as possible.


14. I avoided him as much as possible.

15. Hoping you'll return as soon as possible.

望速归。16. Please come over as soon as possible.

17. Please do that as soon as possible.

18. I avoided him as much as possible.

19. Please serve us as quickly as possible.

20. Please write back as soon as possible.

21. Please send it as soon as possible.

22. Please expedite shipment as soon as possible.

23. Let me know as soon as possible.

fit....into1. To fit into a dado.

2. He doesn’t fit into the team.

3. I used to fit into that dress...


4. To fit into a socket or mortise.

5. This stopper will not fit into the bottle.

6. Will it fit into this size of box?

7. To join by or fit into a gain.

8. I fear I will not fit into any future.


9. Would they fit into the new scheme of things?


10. RULE: 4. You Remeber Things that Fit into Patterns.


11. A square thing does not fit into a round hole.

12. a rectangular groove cut into a board so that another piece can fit into it.


13. To fit into or equip with a hilt or handle.


14. A lion would fit into the mouth of a blue whale.
