close to是什么意思(close to用法大全)

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各位老铁们,大家好,今天由我来为大家分享close to是什么意思,以及close to用法大全的相关问题知识,希望对大家有所帮助。如果可以帮助到大家,还望关注收藏下本站,您的支持是我们最大的动力,谢谢大家了哈,下面我们开始吧!

一、close to, close和be closed to有什么区别

1、短语本质不同。close to属于动词词组,本身短语后面即可是事物,意思是离…近;与…关系密切;近乎;临近;。而be close to多用于靠近人物,描述人物关系。

2、短语中的close性质不同。在close to短语里,close是一个形容词,形容近的,接近的,或者与谁亲近。在be close to中的closed是动词close的被动时态,或者是一个状态。

3、语态不同。close to一般语态是主动语态或者一般现在时,而be closed to一般具有被动性质。



be close to表示的是抽象意义上的,一般指人与人关系间的亲近。


be closed to visitors不对外开放。

(1)close about【包围、围住】;

(2)close down【关闭、停止播音】;

(3)close in【包围、迫近、渐短】;

(4)close one's ears to【掩而不听】;

(5)close over【淹没、遮蔽、封盖】;

(6)close up【愈合、靠近、关闭】;

(7)close with【答应、接受、靠近】。

二、be close to 与be closed to do 有什么区别

be close to与be closed to do的区别如下所示。

-"be close to"意为与某人或某事关系亲密、亲近。

-"be closed to do"意为处于关闭状态或被关闭的行为。

- She is close to her sister and they share everything.(她和她的姐姐关系亲密,彼此分享一切。)

- The store is closed for renovations.(商店因翻新而关闭。)

-"be close to"用于描述人与人之间的关系,表示亲密、亲近程度。

-"be closed to do"用于描述处于关闭状态的事物或场所。

- They are close to achieving their goals.(他们离实现目标很近了。)

- The road is closed to traffic due to an accident.(由于事故,道路被关闭,禁止通行。)

-"be close to"常用于描述人际关系、情感上的亲密、亲近程度,以及某人与目标之间的距离。

-"be closed to do"常用于描述场所、设施或活动的关闭状态。

- He is very close to his grandparents and visits them often.(他与祖父母的关系非常亲近,经常去看望他们。)

- The park is closed to the public during the winter months.(公园在冬季对公众关闭。)

-"be close to"形象上表示人与人之间的亲密、亲近关系,以及某人与目标之间的距离近。

-"be closed to do"形象上表示事物或场所关闭的状态。

- They are close to each other, often seen together and enjoying each other's company.(他们彼此关系密切,经常一起出现,享受彼此的陪伴。)

- The shop has a sign saying it is closed due to unforeseen circumstances.(商店门口有一张标志,上面写着由于不可预见的情况而关闭。)

-"be close to"的影响范围更广,可用于描述情感关系、亲密度、距离等方面。

-"be closed to do"的影响范围更局限,用于描述特定场所、设施或活动的关闭状态。

- The sisters have always been close to each other, even during difficult times.(两姐妹一直关系亲密,即使在困难时期也是如此。)

- The theaters in the city are closed to prevent the spread of the virus.(为防止病毒传播,城市中的剧院关闭了。)

三、close to,be close to,be closed to 区别

1、短语本质不同。close to属于动词词组,本身短语后面即可是事物,意思是离…近;与…关系密切;近乎;临近;。而be close to多用于靠近人物,描述人物关系。

2、短语中的close性质不同。在close to短语里,close是一个形容词,形容近的,接近的,或者与谁亲近。在be close to中的closed是动词close的被动时态,或者是一个状态。

3、语态不同。close to一般语态是主动语态或者一般现在时,而be closed to一般具有被动性质。



be close to表示的是抽象意义上的,一般指人与人关系间的亲近。


be closed to visitors不对外开放。

(1)close about【包围、围住】;

(2)close down【关闭、停止播音】;

(3)close in【包围、迫近、渐短】;

(4)close one's ears to【掩而不听】;

(5)close over【淹没、遮蔽、封盖】;

(6)close up【愈合、靠近、关闭】;

(7)close with【答应、接受、靠近】。

四、close to 后接动词的什么形式

be close to doing。接近做某事。

英 [bi: kləuz tu:]美 [bi kloz tu]

英 [ˈdu:ɪŋ]美 [ˈduɪŋ]

v.干;做( do的现在分词);学习;研究。

However you have come close to doing so on more than one occasion.





close和shut的比较:两者都表示关闭的意思,大部分情况下可以互换使用。close和shut的过去分词形式都可用作形容词,但shut作形容词时不能修饰名词,可说aclosed door而不可用a shut door。两者作动词时,都有“关”的解释,但用close表示这个“关”的动作相对和缓一些。

五、be close to是什么意思中文翻译

彻底解读be close to是什么意思?下面我为大家带来be close to是什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!

We all need our gods to be close to what we eat.


On the one hand, there is the idea– which defined banking for much of American history– thatbanks should be close to the risks that they must judge.


So, while the US may technically be close to the end of a severe recession, most of America isfacing a near-depression.


"We predict that growth in advanced countries will be close to zero, or even negative, until at least the middle of 2009, with a slow recovery until the rest of the year," he said.


The authors conclude that the yuan was 10% undervalued against the dollar in 2006, whichmeans that it might now be close to parity.


How they are resolved-- and Ireland, at least, may be close to denouement-- will dictate thecoming week's progress on markets and, possibly, the year as a whole.


The second man was found at lunchtime, believed to be close to where he was working.


The authors conclude that the yuan was 10% undervalued against the dollar in 2006, whichmeans that it might now be close to parity.


In addition, the HIV rate of sex workers at this time was estimated to be close to 40 percent.


Living a short distance from the house where he was born, he's stayed in the area to be close tofamily and the Alps, where he unwinds by skiing and mountain biking.


In my own experience, I have found it vital to be close to the customer.


But by early next year China’s exports should be growing again, its year-on-year GDP growthcould be close to 10%, and its inflation rate will have turned positive.


You should change the default location in the find.php script to be close to where your articleshave specified, or you should add lat and lon parameters to the web page URL.


But I try to be close to her.

"We really don't know but we presume it helps as it gives these women opportunities to be closeto their partner and loved," she said.


They say things, like they want to be close to nature and run free in the fields, but they want toachieve this fanciful vision by killing.


1. I'm very much a family man and need to be close to those I love.


2. The measured value will be close to one of the two values.

3. To be close to your friend, but closer to your enemy.


4. She feels good to be close to the nature.

5. With such an intense training everyone should be close to top performances.


6. Apparently he wanted to be close to the people who enjoyed privileges.


7. When the universecold, people will be close to each other.


8. Inflation in the euro area is expected to be close to zero.

9. I feel good to be close to the nature.

10. They want so much to be close to you.

11. I be close to a liberalist and a cultural feminist.


12. Second, Haier likes design and production to be close to its markets.


13. That's the most convenient location. And I'd be close to the nightlife.


14. Unit 7· We must be close to the top by now.

15. Apparently he wanted to be close to those common people.

OK,关于close to是什么意思和close to用法大全的内容到此结束了,希望对大家有所帮助。