close friend是什么意思(closefisted的中文翻译)

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大家好,close friend是什么意思相信很多的网友都不是很明白,包括closefisted的中文翻译也是一样,不过没有关系,接下来就来为大家分享关于close friend是什么意思和closefisted的中文翻译的一些知识点,大家可以关注收藏,免得下次来找不到哦,下面我们开始吧!


英 [ʃʌt]美 [ʃʌt]


英 [kləʊz, kləʊs]美 [kloʊz, kloʊs]





第三人称单数: shuts现在分词: shutting过去式: shut过去分词: shut

第三人称单数: closes现在分词: closing过去式: closed过去分词: closed比较级: closer最高级: closest

close, shut这两个词的共同意思是“关闭”。其细微区别在于:


He did not close the door when he left the room.


Shut the door so that the cat won't get out.

二、f*** y是什么意思

FWB很多人直接翻译为PY是不准确的,应该译为有暧昧关系的朋友更为恰当,而我们通常说的PY则是F** buddies。打个不恰当的比喻,PY好比是你在球场上遇到的球友,一起玩但基本只在球场见面,FWB是你和你的朋友都爱打球,便约定偶尔去球场一起打球。

有部电影叫Friendswith benefits,


1. The main difference is the friends part.

difference between friends with benefits and f*ck buddies is that you’re

not friends with your f*ck buddy. Friends with benefits obviously means

you were friends first, right? Right. Friends with benefits usually

begins when two friends, close or not, either have a random, drunk

hookup or just start a mutual flirtation that builds into hooking up.

The main point here is that you were friends first. You guys have things

in common; you hang out casually outside of the bedroom with other

friends, you know at least a moderate amount about each other. On the

contrary, with fuck buddies, there is no interaction besides the sex.

Fuck buddies usually begins with a one night stand or a tinder match

that evolves into an agreement on“sex only.” Fuck buddies don’t know

each other’s majors, don’t care about what you think about Jenny, and

will never see you outside of the bedroom. Well, they might see you at a

bar or party, but will probably ignore you and end up texting you 20

minutes later asking to leave to fuck.

2. There’s way more at stake with friends with benefits.压力山大

you start getting involved with friends with benefits, there’s a lot

more at stake than fuck buddies. More than likely, your guys’ mutual

friends will catch the wind that you’re hooking up, and will either be

weirded out, or try and pressure you guys to turn into a relationship.

This will put a lot more pressure on the situation than either of you

probably intended, and it makes things more complicated than just sex

with a friend. Not to mention, if something goes wrong, you’re basically

doomed. Think about it, your friendship is ruined, and it will probably

make things awkward for your mutual friends, too. You’ll end up

thinking that the 7 or 8 casual hook-ups weren’t worth screwing up your

friendship like this. In comparison, there’s practically nothing at

stake with f*ck buddies. You don’t owe each other anything, and there’s

no strings or relational dynamics tying you to one another. So, if

something goes terribly wrong, or you’re simply not into it anymore, you

can walk away and not have a mess to clean up

三、close 有多少种用法和意思



Her life is drawing to a close.

Will you close the door,Tony?


The museum has been closed for one months.

The offer will close before Spring Festival.


The factory was forced to close the door ten years ago.

My father and his mother are close friends.


He's so close about his family- it seems like he's hiding something.


The room is very close without a window.

The election results were so close they had to vote again.



Don't come too close to the dog,baby.

五、close用作表语时的意思是“近的,接近的”,通常指空间距离极小,甚至几乎相接或者时间重合。用作定语时,用于社会关系上指直系亲属、至爱亲朋之间的紧密联系,即“亲密的,密切的”。另外, close还可指“彻底的,仔细的”“闷热的,不通风的”“势均力敌的”“秘密的,隐藏的”等。

四、intimate friend是什么意思

intimate friend的意思是:知交,知己


【读音】英 [ˈɪntɪmət]美 [ˈɪntɪmət]

2、Intimate Lovers知;郎情妾意;知心爱人

4、intimate contact最紧密接触;密切接触;亲密接触

5、Intimate love亲密爱人;儿女私情;知心爱人;亲密的爱人

6、intimate borrowing直接借用;近邻借用;内部借用

7、Intimate Journalism亲近性新闻

8、Intimate Note至亲笔记;少女时代;亲密笔记

9、intimate e亲密的;表示;不可侵犯的;至交

【读音】英 [ˈfrendli]美 [ˈfrendli]



1、environmentally friendly保护生态环境的;对生态环境无害的

2、environmental friendly环保的

3、environment friendly环保的;对环境有利的

4、user friendly [电]使用者亲和性

6、friendly society(英)互助会;互济会

7、friendly fire来自友军的误射炮火;误向自己人开火

9、be friendly with对……友好;和某人友好相处



pay close attention to密切注意

close contact近距离接触;紧密接触

close at hand adv.就在眼前;在附近

close to home触到痛处;说得太露骨

close by adv.在附近;接近于;在…近旁

close with vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束

close the window关窗户;把窗户关上;关窗

The workmen closed off the street for repairs.

The conference was closed on Oct.25.


The firm decided to close its Shanghai branch.


We closed a destroyer at 10 o'clock last night.


You have to close your files before you can exit the system.

Many flowers open in the morning and close at night.

The post office closes at half past five.

At eleven the meeting closed.

The wound closed up after a week.

The enemy troops were closing in upon the city from three different directions.


The two men closed with each other in a wrestling encounter.


Most of the theatres close for summer.

The two ministers didn't close with each other until near the end of the meeting.


end. conclude. finish. complete. terminate

bring…to a close(或 to an end)完成;结束;使终止

close to home触到痛处;说得太露骨

draw to a close= come to a close




be closed and self-fettered画地为牢;封闭式管理;闭关锁国

be close on(或 upon)靠近,接近;差不多

close but no cigar差不多,但还不够准确

close to one's vest极秘密地,十分谨慎地

keep something close对某事严守秘密,把某物藏起来

关于close friend是什么意思的内容到此结束,希望对大家有所帮助。