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1、My assistant relieved me of all the chores.


2、She does the chores at home every day.


do chores做家务;干家务;处理琐事;琐事。







1、英语中的家务,一般说是housework,很多人也说chore(一般用复数chores),如household chores。以上这两个基本上是同义词,但严格说来,housework一般指普通的清洁烹调熨烫等日常家务,但chores多指一些工作难度更大、有一定技术要求的家务事,如疏通下水道、除草、家常修理等。但近年来,这两个词之间的界线越来越模糊了,一般都可以通用。

2、 Chore的近义词有task, duty, job, stint, assignment等,都是指需要完成的某项任务。






1、I have to do my chores before I can go out and play with my friends.我必须先完成家务活才能和朋友出去玩。

2、My parents always make me do the dishes as part of my daily chores.我每天的家务活之一就是洗碗。

3、We need to take turns doing the chores in our shared apartment to keep it clean and tidy.我们合租公寓的人需要轮流做家务活,以保持它的干净整洁。

4、She spends her weekends doing chores around the house, like laundry and vacuuming.她周末的时候会忙着做家务活,比如洗衣服和吸尘。

5、I don't mind doing my chores, as long as everyone else in the family pitches in too.只要家里其他人也参与,我做家务活不介意。

6、His daily chores include feeding the dog and taking out the trash.他日常的家务活包括喂狗和倒垃圾。


1.以doing chores为题目,写一篇作文

we are having a great house cleaning.Everyone is doing chores.My father is cleaning the living room.My mother is sweeping the floor.My sister is cleaning her room,My brother is taking out the trash. I am washing the dishes. Together with our efforts,our house bees much more beautiful.We feel tired but happy.What a meaningful day!。

we are having a great house cleaning.Everyone is doing chores.My father is cleaning the living room.My mother is sweeping the floor.My sister is cleaning her room,My brother is taking out the trash. I am washing the dishes. Together with our efforts,our house bees much more beautiful.We feel tired but happy.What a meaningful day!。

Do you like to do chores? Do you often do chores? I like doing chores very much.Because i think they are very interesting.So i often do chores. I often do the dishes after supper every day.I often do some washing on weekends.I clean my bedroom ice a week.I sweep the floor every day.I help my parents wash their clothes.I hope everyone likes to do chores.。

Do you wonder what chores I did last Sunday?Well,let me tell you.I did a lot of pleasant chores last Sunday.In the morning,I helped my mom do the dishes,sweep the floor and water the flowers.In the afternoon,I helped my father check out the files and cook.In the evening,I helped them wash the clothes,do the dishes and make the bed.I think it was the interesting Sunday!满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!

Last weekend I did some household works for my parents as usual. I got up early and cooked breakfast for my parents. Although the dishes tasted not good, my parents enjoy them very much. This is the moment I feel the greatest joy. However, the last household chore I want to do is to wash the plates. Maybe everybody don't like to do that either. Every weekend is my work day because this is the only day in a week I can do something to help my parents.上周末,我像平常一样帮助父母做家务。




let me tell you.I did a lot of pleasant chores last Sunday.In the morning,I helped my mom do the dishes,sweep the floor and water the flowers.In the afternoon,I helped my father check out the files and cook.In the evening,I helped them wash the clothes,do the dishes and make the bed.I think it was the interesting Sunday。

I am a primary teacher,and I am also a every weekend,I have to do so many chores at home. when I get up in the morning,after brushing my teeth and wash my face, I should prepare for the breakfast,put the dirty clothes into the laundry machine。after breakfast, I need to do the dishes,and sweep the floor. It always takes about the whole morning.After that,it es to the noon. I have to cook the lunch for the family again. Then wash the dishes。

In a word,I have too many chores to do on weekends.and I am always busy on weekends

现在进行时Now,we are having a great house cleaning.Everyone is doing chores.My father is cleaning the living room.My mother is sweeping the floor.My sister is cleaning her room,My brother is taking out the trash.I am washing the dishes.Together with our efforts,our house bees much more beautiful.We feel tired but happy.What a meaningful day!(62字)一般过去时Last Sunday,I went to old people's house with my friends.We bought flowers and gifts for these old people.They were very moved.Then,we cleaned their house and washed their clothes.Boys told jokes to make them laugh.Girls danced and sang songs for them.Old people felt very happy.They said that they always felt lonely.So they thanks to us.We all had a happy day in the old people'house.(75字)一般将来时Different people have different dreams.When I grow up,I will be a reporter.I will meet many interesting people.Such as actors,engineers and soldiers.I will learn many things from these people.It will be a chance for me to get more knowledge.I will also go many beautifui places and eat delicious food.I wish my dream would e true in the future.(65字)。

Though the majority announce doing chore consumes lots of time and energy but brings nothing, dealing with the odds and ends can cultivate a careful and considerate person. Endless chores, ranging from trivial household to office items, shape us with holistic consideration of the whole as well intricate details. For instance, cooking process, including washing the plates, cleaning the ingredients, controlling the fire, and finally decorate the dish, call for our ability of coordinating and aesthetically planning. Thus, doing chores turns out a really helper for personality building.。


1、chore是可数的,复数形式是chores。chore表示”家庭杂务,杂活;累活,苦差事“,昂表示很多的家务时可以many chores来表达。

2、Mymotherhassomany chores todoeveryday.


4、housework chore指的是琐碎零星的家务事







2.读音:英 [tʃɔːz]美 [tʃɔrz]


My husband and I both go out to work so we share the householdchores.




His research formed the basic of his new book.







3、例句:She does the chores at home every day.





8、task后可接“of+ v-ing”结构作定语。
