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charge读音:英 [tʃɑːdʒ]美 [tʃɑːrdʒ]




Rub the leather and the rubber will produce the charge.

How much do you charge per unit?

Alex had forgotten to charge the battery.

读音:英 ['tʃɑːdʒə(r)]美 ['tʃɑːrdʒər]

例句:Please put my charger into your pocket.


读音:英 [ˈbætri]美 [ˈbætəri]


例句:The shavers come complete with batteries.












charge读音:英 [tʃɑːdʒ]美 [tʃɑːrdʒ]




Rub the leather and the rubber will produce the charge.

How much do you charge per unit?

Alex had forgotten to charge the battery.

读音:英 ['tʃɑːdʒə(r)]美 ['tʃɑːrdʒər]

例句:Please put my charger into your pocket.


读音:英 [ˈbætri]美 [ˈbætəri]


例句:The shavers come complete with batteries.





1、I love you! I'm going to charge, and love!

2、He forgot to charge the battery.



charge用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。作控告的意思解时,可以接that引导的从句。作收费的意思时,可以接双宾语,可用于被动结构。表示价格贵或收费贵时,不能说charge expensively,而用too much或heavily等修饰。

五、charge 是什么意思

[C] claim that a person has done wrong, esp a formal claim that he has committed a crime; accusation指责;指控;(尤指)控告: arrested on a charge of murder/a murder charge以谋杀罪被捕* I resent the charges of incompetence made against me.说我无能,我感到很气愤.

[C] rushing violent attack(by soldiers, wild animals, footballers, etc)(士兵﹑野兽﹑足球队员等)猛攻: lead a charge带头进攻.

[C] price asked for goods or services(货物或服务所需的)费用: an admission/entry charge, eg to visit a museum入场[门]费(如参观博物馆)* His charges are very reasonable.他要的价钱很公道.* All goods are delivered free of charge.一切物品免费送货.=>Usage at price用法见price.

(a) [U] responsible possession; care; custody掌管;照管;监护: leave a child in a friend's charge把孩子留给朋友照管* He assumed full charge of the firm in his father's absence.他在父亲不在时全权掌管公司.(b) [C](fml文) person or thing left in sb's care留给某人照管的人或事物: He became his uncle's charge after his parents died.他在父母去世後,由叔父抚养.

[C](fml文) task; duty任务;责任.

[C] amount of explosive needed to fire a gun or cause an explosion(开枪放炮或产生爆炸所需的)炸药量.

[C](a) amount of electricity put into a battery or contained in a substance充电量;电荷: a positive/negative charge正[负]电荷.(b) energy stored chemically for conversion into electricity(以化学物质贮存的可转化为电的)能量.

[C](fml文) instructions; directions指示;命令: the judge's charge to the jury, ie his advice to them about their verdict法官给陪审团的指示(引导他们作出裁断).

(idm习语) bring a charge(of sth) against sb formally accuse sb(of a crime, etc)正式控告某人(某罪行等). a charge on sb/sth person or thing that must be paid for as part of a particular area of expenditure必须为某人或某事物支付的某项开支: They are a charge on the rates.这是(徵收)房地产税的金额. face a charge/charges=> face2. give sb in `charge(esp Brit) hand sb over to the police把某人交给警方. have charge of sth have responsibility for sth对某事物有责任. in charge(of sb/sth) in a position of control or command(over sb/sth)处於控制或支配(某人[某事物])的地位: Who's in charge here?这儿谁负责?* He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.经理不在时,他负责这个商店. in/under sb's charge in the care of sb在某人照看下: These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson.这些病人由威尔逊医生治疗. lay sth to sb's charge(fml文) accuse sb of sth控告某人犯某罪. prefer a charge/charges=> prefer. reverse the charges=> reverse3.take charge(of sth) take control of sth; become responsible for sth控制或掌管某事物;承担某事物的责任: The department was badly organized until she took charge(of it).这个部门在她负责以前组织工作做得很差.

# `charge account(US)= credit account(credit1).

`charge-sheet n(Brit) record kept in a police station of charges(charge1 1) made保存在警察局的控告记录.

charge2/ tʃɑːdʒ; tʃɑrdʒ/ v

(a) [Tn,]~ sb(with sth) accuse sb of sth, esp formally in a court of law以某事指控某人;(尤指在法庭上)控告某人: He was charged with murder.他被控犯谋杀罪.* She charged me with neglecting my duty.她指控我玩忽职守.(b) [Tf](fml文) claim; assert声称;断言: It is charged(ie in a court of law) that on 30 November, the accused....现指控被告於11月30日....

(a) [I, Ipr, Tn]~((at) sb/sth) rush forward and attack(sb/sth)进攻: The troops charged(at) the enemy lines.部队进攻敌军防线.* One of our strikers was violently charged by a defender, ie in a game of football.我方一前锋受到对方後卫的猛冲拦截(足球赛中).(b) [Ipr, Ip]~ down, in, up, etc rush in the specified direction向某方向冲去: The children charged down the stairs.孩子们冲下楼梯.

[I, Ipr, Tn,, Dn.n]~(sb/sth) for sth;~(sb) sth(for sth) ask(an amount) as a price要价: How much do you charge for mending shoes?修鞋要多少钱?* As long as you've paid in advance we won't charge you for delivery.只要你预先付款,我们就不收你送货费.* I'm not going there again they charged(me) 1 for a cup of coffee!我再也不到那儿去了--一杯咖啡就要了(我)1英镑!

[Tn](a) load(a gun)为(枪炮)装弹药.(b)(fml文) fill(a glass)注满(杯子): Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!请各位将酒杯斟满,向新娘﹑新郎祝酒!

(a) [Tn] put a charge1(7a) into(sth)给(某物)充电: charge a battery给蓄电池充电.(b) [esp passive尤用於被动语态: Tn,]~ sth(with sth)(fig比喻) fill sth(with an emotion)使某事物充满(情感): a voice charged with tension充满紧张情绪的声音* The atmosphere was charged with excitement.气氛中充满了激情.

[Tn, Cn.t](fml文) give(sb) a responsibility; command; instruct交给(某人)责任;命令;指示: I charge you not to forget what I have said.你千万别忘记我的话.* The judge charged the jury, ie advised them about their verdict.法官对陪审团作指示(引导他们作出裁断).

(phr v) charge sth(up) to sb; charge sth up record sth as a debt to be paid by sb将某人的欠款记在帐上: Please charge these goods(up) to my account.请把这些货物记在我的帐上. charge sb/oneself with sth(fml文) give sb/oneself a duty or responsibility使某人[自己]承担任务或责任: She was charged with an important mission.她被委以重任.
