charge for什么意思(charge的含义和用法)

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老铁们,大家好,相信还有很多朋友对于charge for什么意思和charge的含义和用法的相关问题不太懂,没关系,今天就由我来为大家分享分享charge for什么意思以及charge的含义和用法的问题,文章篇幅可能偏长,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!

一、take charge of的中文翻译是什么意思

"Take charge of"和"take the charge of"是两个短语,用于表示承担责任或主导某项任务。尽管它们在意义上相似,但在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上有一些区别。

-"Take charge of"表示承担或担任责任,负责管理或指导事务。

-"Take the charge of"指的是正式地担任某个职务或职责,并承担相应的责任。

- John will take charge of the project and ensure its successful completion.


- Sarah will take the charge of the department in the absence of the manager.


-"Take charge of"后面通常接的是某个任务、项目或工作,表示自愿或被指派来负责管理或掌控它们。

-"Take the charge of"后面通常接的是具体的职务、岗位或部门,表示正式地担任该职务或负责该部门的管理。

- Susan will take charge of the marketing campaign for our new product.


- Mark will take the charge of the finance department as the new CFO.


-"Take charge of"常用于各种工作场景或组织中,以表达负责管理、指导或掌控的意义。

-"Take the charge of"通常在正式的组织或机构中使用,以表示正式负责某个职务或职责。

- The captain will take charge of the team during the match.


- The new CEO will take the charge of the company's operations from next month.


-"Take charge of"的影响范围更为广泛,可以涉及项目、任务、团队等多个方面。

-"Take the charge of"的影响范围更为具体,通常指涉及具体的职责、部门或岗位。

- Jane will take charge of organizing the conference, including scheduling and coordination.


- James will take the charge of the human resources department and oversee all HR-related matters.


-"Take charge of"的形象更接近于掌握主导权,承担领导角色。

-"Take the charge of"的形象更接近于承担责任,担任特定的职位。

- The experienced lawyer will take charge of the legal proceedings and guide the team.


- The newly promoted manager will take the charge of the sales department and drive its growth.



1、charge用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。作“控告”解时,可以接that引导的从句。作“收费”解时,可以接双宾语,可用于被动结构;表示“价格贵”或“收费贵”时,不能说chargeexpensively,而用too much或heavily等修饰。

2、charge用作不及物动词时,常接for表示“收…的费”,接down表示“冲锋”。inchargeof表示“某人负责或照管某人〔物〕”; in thechargeof则表示“某人〔物〕由某人负责或照管”。

3、charge表示控诉时,常表示为chargesb with sth,表示因某事控诉某人,如chargeJack with murder(控诉杰克谋杀);accuse也表示控告某人某事,但是与介词of连用,如accuse Jack of murder;

4、chargesb with...ing有时指“说某人犯了……”,有时指“把……的任务交给某人”。chargesb to do指“命令某人做某事”。charge后可接双宾语,表示“索(价)”。

5、charge表示“为了……取费”时,常与介词for连用,偶然也把表示物品或服务的词做宾语。inchargeof表示“管理……”,in/under thechargeof表示“被……管理”。





1、take charge掌管,负责;主持;不受控制

2、charge for索价,要价;为…收费

charge, command, direct, enjoin, instruct这组词都有“发出命令”的意思。其区别是:








charge读法英 [tʃɑːdʒ]美 [tʃɑːrdʒ]




2、electric chargen.电荷(等于charge,electricity);电费


2、charge用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。作“控告”解时,可以接that引导的从句。作“收费”解时,可以接双宾语,可用于被动结构;表示“价格贵”或“收费贵”时,不能说chargeexpensively,而用too much或heavily等修饰。


in charge of, in the charge of, in one's charge这三个短语都有“管理”“掌管”的意思。其区别是:

1、in charge of表示主动意义, of的宾语是所管理的物或事物,可译为“管理…”“负责…”; in the charge of和in one's charge表示被动意义,宾语是实施管理的人,可译为“在…的掌管下”“由…负责”。

2、in the charge of可改为under the charge of;而in charge of却不可改成under charge of。

四、be charged with和be charged for的区别

be charged with的意思是承担,被控告;be charged for的意思是:被指控,被要求付费、

be charged with一般用于涉及责任、问题的场合,be charged for一般用于涉及付费的场合。

He can be charged with murder according to this material.


Guests must check out before noon, or they will be charged for the day.


英文发音:[bi tʃɑːdʒd wɪð]

You will be charged with obstruction of a public footpath.


英文发音:[bi tʃɑːdʒd fɔ]

How much will I be charged for dues once I become a member?


五、...charge of 和be responsible for都有负责的意思,如何区分

1、take charge of有:控制,掌管,承担责的意思。

2、be responsible for是对什么有责任,有义务的意思。


4、take charge of做负责的意思,,是掌管了什么东西,对这个东西要负责。

5、而be responsible for负责了,就牵扯到道德问题了。负责任,大人要对小孩负责任之类的,道德上的东西。


vt. 1.命令,委托 2.控诉,控告,指控;指责 3.使充电 4.索(价);收(费);要(人)支付(若干费用) 5.记账,赊账;把…记在某人账上 6.使承担(任务等);使负责;把担子加在…上,嘱托 7.把弹药装入(火器、大炮等) 8.装,装载;装满,盛满;使充满

n. 1.指责,指控,控告 2.猛攻 3.费用 4.掌管,照管 5.指示,命令 6.电荷 7.(商品和服务所需的)要价;收费 8.被照管的人,受照料者 9.突然猛冲;猛攻;冲锋 10.(射击或爆炸的)炸药量 11.感染力;震撼力 12.任务;责任

七、account for 什么意思

“account for”的意思是:说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起;(在数量、比例上)占;对…负责。

1、PHRASAL VERB(数量或比例上)占

If a particular thing accounts for a part or proportion of something, that part or proportion consists of that thing, or is used or produced by it.

例句:Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.

If something accounts for a particular fact or situation, it causes or explains it.

例句:Now, the gene they discovered today doesn't account for all those cases.


3、PHRASAL VERB为…提出理由;对…作出说明

If you can account for something, you can explain it or give the necessary information about it.

例句:How do you account for the company's alarmingly high staff turnover?...


4、PHRASAL VERB对(行动、政策等)负有责任

If someone has to account for an action or policy, they are responsible for it, and may be required to explain it to other people or be punished if it fails.

例句:The President and the President alone must account for his government's reforms.


by all accounts根据各方面的说法

from all accounts根据各方面所说

in the last accounts归根到底,终于

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