catch up是什么意思(catch up中文翻译)

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大家好,今天来为大家分享catch up是什么意思的一些知识点,和catch up中文翻译的问题解析,大家要是都明白,那么可以忽略,如果不太清楚的话可以看看本篇文章,相信很大概率可以解决您的问题,接下来我们就一起来看看吧!

一、catch和catch up的区别

catch和catch up的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。





用法:catch搭配一个介词形成一个具有引申意义的短语catch up。



解析:catch up是指赶上什么抽象的东西。

二、catch up和catch up with有什么区别么

1、catch和catch up with都有“赶上”的意思;那么catch up和catch up with有什么区别呢?


3、例如:You must run if you want to catch the bus.

4、If we go home now,we might catch the 10:00 news.

5、catch up with除了“追赶上同一方向行进的人之外,也可以用于抽象意义上的“赶上;赶上...的水平”。

6、例如:You walk on ahead,I shall soon catch up with you.

7、After being out school so long,she had to work hard in order to catch up with the others.

8、catch up赶上(工作进度);叙旧(即互相补上个人情况),用法与catch up with相近.

9、catch和catch up和catch up with后均跟人或物。

三、follow up the order是什么意思

1、I can't put up with you any longer.我不能再忍耐了。

2、We look forward to hearing from you by return, in order that we may follow up with you further.我们希望你能尽快回复,并期望我们以后能有更多合作。

3、Excessive drinking and smoking will catch up with you.过度喝酒和抽烟迟早会使你受害不浅。

4、If you lend me ten pounds I'll square up with you when I get paid.如果你借我10英镑,等发薪水时我会还你的。

5、Follow up with LPCA implementation.负责跟踪LPCA在分公司的实施。

6、He is coming to make up with you.他是来和你和解的。

7、Start now, and I will catch up with you.现在开始,我一定会追上你。

8、Close the workbook and follow up with the owner or other users.关闭工作簿并跟上其所有者或其他用户的进程。

9、You walk on and I will catch up with you later.你继续走,我会随后赶上的。

10、Now do not let your fear catch up with you.可别再让恐惧迷了你的心窍。

11、You go on ahead; I'll catch up with you later.你先走;等会儿我赶上来。

12、It is high time we squared accounts up with you.我们该和你算账了。

13、I can not really catch up with you.我确实赶不上你。

14、Why don't we start out with poster ads on buses and follow up with radio ads.我们何不先刊登公交车广告,然后在广播电台播放广告。

15、I can not put up with you any longer.我不能再忍耐了。

16、The speaker followed up with figures.演讲者接着列举了数字。

17、Go on; I'll catch up with you in five minutes.你先走吧!我五分钟以后就会赶上你的。

18、Finally, you can set a reminder to follow up with a postcard a few weeks later.最后,您可以设置提醒以在几周后发送明信片。

19、Start now,and I will catch up with you.现在开始,我一定会追上你。

20、Start out with a stun then follow up with Steel Breath and Blindness.以眩晕开始接窃取呼吸和致盲。


英 [kætʃ];美 [kætʃ,kɛtʃ]


第三人称单数: catches现在分词: catching过去式: caught过去分词: caught

1.VERB抓获;捕捉;逮到If you catch a person or animal, you capture them after chasing them, or by using a trap, net, or other device。

Police say they are confident of catching the gunman。


2.VERB接住;抓住If you catch an object that is moving through the air, you seize it with your hands。

I jumped up tocatcha ball and fell over。


3.VERB握住;抓住;拉住If you catch a part of someone's body, you take or seize it with your hand, often in order to stop them going somewhere。

He knelt beside her and caught her hand in both of his。


4.VERB砸到;击中;碰到If one thing catches another, it hits it accidentally or manages to hit it。

The stinging slap almost caught his face。


I may have caught him with my elbow but it was just an accident。


5.V-ERG(被)卡住;(被)钩住If something catches on or in an object or if an object catches something, it accidentally becomes attached to the object or stuck in it。

Her ankle caught on a root, and she almost lost her balance。


A man caught his foot in the lawnmower。


五、catch up with是什么意思

"catch up with"的意思是追赶,赶上。

"catch up with"是一个短语动词,可以用来表示追赶某人或某事,以便达到他们的位置或水平。这个短语经常在日常生活中使用,它可以用于朋友、同事、学术或任何其他方面。

"catch up with"的意义基本上分为两种:



在朋友和家人之间,"catch up with"也可以表达意愿见面或交流的愿望。如果一段时间没有见面,人们可能会说:“我们需要再来一次聚会,让我们互相了解一下最近发生的事情。”

在工作环境中,"catch up with"可以指的是在与同事或团队成员交谈时了解他们的最新进展或项目。人们可能会使用:"我需要跟你聊聊今天发生了些什么事情。"来表示他们希望了解最新的进展。

在学术领域中,人们经常使用"catch up with"来描述追赶知识或理论方面的进展。学生可能会说:"我需要追上我的同学们,研究一些新的理论。"表示他们希望加快学习的进度。

"catch up with"还可以用来描述机会的利用。当一个人错过了一些机会时,他们可能会努力赶上,以便不再落后。人们可能会说:"我错过了许多机会,我需要追赶一下。"来表达他们想要抓住新的机会和发展的意愿。




3、He was caught by the policeman.

4、 The ball caught him on the head.

5、 He caught himself before saying the wrong thing.

6、 The goalkeeper jumped and caught the ball.

7、 be caught in(the rain, a trap)

8、no catch(=not much of a catch)



11、 capture指"通过武力或计谋战胜抵抗或困难而捕获某人或物",如:


13、 The police caught the released prisoner stealing a bicycle.


15、 She threw the ball and I caught it.

16、A rabbit was caught in a snare.

17、The police had to drive very quickly in order to catch the train.


19、'Do you always catch such an early train?' asked the inspector.

20、 `你总是赶这样的早班车吗?'检查官问道。

21、If you go out without a mouth mask, you'll probably catch your death of cold.


23、 I'm afraid I've caught a chill.

24、 You'll catch(a) cold if you don't put a sweater on.

25、The ball caught him on the head.

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