capacity造句(occur to造句)

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老铁们,大家好,相信还有很多朋友对于capacity造句和occur to造句的相关问题不太懂,没关系,今天就由我来为大家分享分享capacity造句以及occur to造句的问题,文章篇幅可能偏长,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!


1. a piece of cake小菜一碟(直译为一块蛋糕)


a piece of cake译为:小菜一碟;易事一件;没什么大不了的

eg: A:Can you translate this word for me?

B:Sure~!A piece of cake!(小菜一碟;易事一件)

A:It's really a large mount of money```

B:A piece of cake to him!(对他来说没什么大不了的)


a shot in the dark盲目涉及----瞎猜

ants in one's pants裤裆里有蚂蚁-----坐立不安

blow up in your face在眼前爆炸-----事情全弄砸了

rob the cradle劫摇篮---老牛吃嫩草

skeleton in one's closet壁橱里的骷髅----不可告人的秘密

Great soul suffers in silence.

Reading together in companionable silence.

His anger was swathed in silence.

Rich dad sat there in silence.

We passed several minutes in silence.

Darcy listens to her accusations in silence.


She fell to her task in silence.

6. in time及时(顺带一下on time是准时)


employed in a specified capacity from time to time.

Following in time; subsequent.



To reply formally to an allegation made in court


To reply formally to an allegation make in court.


He was stumped for words in which to reply.

What did he do in reply to your challenge?

What did you say in reply to his suggestion?

It was rather chilly that day.

That's rather putting it on.

That's a rather unique dress.

That's rather a backhanded compliment.

Doesn't that verge rather on shop?

tried to give away unwanted kittens.

We is practically give this away.

Give away medals at a sports meeting

Don't give away the secret.

I'll give this old coat away.

The pr people give away 100,000 balloons.


Mrs.John has several kittens to give away.

Try not to give the game away.

Chickened out at the last moment.

Eggs are plentiful at the moment.

Delighted to hear of your promotion.

Hear the strains of the church organ

jurisdiction of a court to hear appeal

I hear you're short of hands.

12. made up one’s mind决定,决心

I see your mind's made up.

He has made up one's mind of the avenging oneself and cancel ort one's hatred for parents' extremely.

Ease one's mind by blowing up sb.

Make up one's mind to do sth.

No one could turn him from his purpose once he had made up his mind.


He's made up his mind to quit his job.

She's made up her mind and nothing can move her.

He will not be swerved from his course once his mind's made up.



1、楼二 qingyundyanjie对,Empathie(oder Einfühlung,动词 einfühlen=设想自己处身于;对...能体会)中文叫移情:Ich habe keine Empathie=我没有同情心。更多的德语例句如下:

2、Empathie(oder emotionale Intelligenz= EQ) bedeutet, sich in einen anderen Menschen einzufühlen d.h. die Fähigkeit, die Emotionen anderer nachzufühlen.=能同情别人的痛苦和不幸,能理解和体谅别人

3、比如:Empathie ist, wenn man die Gefühle und Gedanken von anderen Menschen fühlt und wahrnimmt.移情的程度在于一个人对别人的想法和情感的敏感性。

4、Empathie ist die Basis für unser intuitives Wissen und das Verständnis dessen, was andere fühlen.移情是情感基础,设身处地让我们了解他人的感觉。

5、中文 Definition von Empathie:


7、祝学习进步愉快!Viele liebe Grüsse an beide!:)

三、用“few”、“a few”、“a little”如何造句

1、He has few friends here, he feels lonely.

2、Fewmenhave hadsuchtranscendentalcapacity tostirtheheartofpeople.


4、All in all then, it is a rattling good Celtic yearn with afewfragments of wit-and-wisdom thrown in.


6、At last they are beginning to make money, and they hope in afewyearn to pay off all their loans.


8、A whiff of ether will put you out in afewseconds.


10、Quite afewof our sale staff are women.

11、Shespottedalittlebloodonto thesmear.

12、Istruck uponthatantiqueinalittleshopinLondon.


14、Imustemphasizethe factthatsheisonlyalittlegirl.


16、Asyoumayrecall,shehadalittlesister whowasfiveyears oldthen.


18、Across hills and rivers,theywalkedmorethantwo

19、hundredkilometresandarrived atalittlehamletnestlingin thegreen mountains.



1. Capacity指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力

It was, in any case, beyond the capability of one man.


2. Ability是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力

He had remarkable ability as an administrator.

3. Skill强调由经验而获得或发展的能力

The intellect, character and skill possessed by any man are the product of certain original tendencies and the training which they have received.


An unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attributes.


5. Competence指能做到使人满意但并不一定特别出众的能力

The concerto was performed by a violinist of unquestioned competence but limited imagination.

