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一、capacity是什么意思 capacity的中文翻译及音标

英音 [kə'pæsiti];,美音 [kə'pæsətɪ];,名词


,复数 capacities,这些名词均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。








aptitude多指先天或后天习得的运用自如的能力,常暗示接受能力强,能迅速掌握一种学术训练或艺术技巧。,an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored,the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior,the amount that can be contained,the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment,(puter science) the amount of information(in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive,tolerance for alcohol,ability to perform or produce,a specified function,the maximum production possible,capacity of will【经】自主能力,to capacity最大限度地,满满地,in the capacity of以…的身分,capacity for...的能力,capacity to...的能力,capacity of...的能力,rated capacity marked capacity额定生产率,ammonifying capacity氨化能,氨化强度,vital capacity n.肺活量,absorbing capacity吸收能力,capacity n. 1.[U]容量,容积2.[U]能量,生产力3.[U,C]能力,才能,接受能力,理解力(+for)4.[C]资格,地位,职位,ampere capacity安培容量,self capacity固有电容,自容量,本身容量,depreciation service capacity【经】供应数量折旧法,服务能力折旧法,high capacity高功率,大容量,medium capacity中等容量,swallowing capacity临界流量,capacity input电容输入滤波器,off capacity容量不足,tank(storage)capacity油罐容量

二、capacity adjust是什么意思


2、用法示例1:Could you teach me how to the iris of the camera?


4、用法示例2:This kind desk can be adjusted to the height you need.


6、用法示例3:He can't adjust himself to whirl of modern life in this big city.


8、用法示例4:Over the years, we all learned to adjust, to become more comfortable with each other, and to adapt to our family arrangement.


10、用法示例5:He adjusted himself very quickly to heat of the country.


12、用法示例6:Over the years, we all learned to adjust, to become more comfortable with each other, and to adapt to our family arrangement.



2. [美国英语]【军事】特等射(击)手3. [the expert][澳大利亚口语](剪羊毛工场的)技师


4检索历史(Search History)页面显示检索的次数、每次检索的方式是快速检索(Quick)还是专家检索(Expert)、构建的检索式、自动取词根(Autostemming)的开关状态、所检索记录的数量以及是在哪个数据库中进行检索的。


翻译研究人员发现,人类是天生的能力,办法在四个主要方面的挑战:20世纪60年代末解析,程序法,相关和创造性名词 capacity

The theater has a seating capacity of 800.

这个剧场可容纳八百名观众。 2.能量,生产力[U][S]

The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 12,000 cars.

这家汽车厂现在每年能生产一万二千辆汽车。 3.能力,才能,接受能力,理解力[C][U][(+for)]

He has a great capacity for learning languages.

他学语言的能力很强。 4.资格,地位,职位[C]

He said that in the capacity as mayor.

五、volume capacity中文翻译

Through the calculation example, o different programs will be got, which means the maximum static load of freight cars shall be given preferential consideration, based on which taking full advantage of train volume capacity shall be taken into amount


Mainly the sea transports international trade goods. the sea transportation is of bigger- volume capacity and cheaper than the airport and railway, but the goods are confronted with more risks because of long distance and long time to transport


With the help of the whole optimization, the effective volume capacity was broadened, the deadweight was decreased to 23. 77t, and the load capacity was up to 60t. the intensity and the rigidity of the car were both measure up tb/ t1335- 1996 railway vehicle- specification for evaluation the intensity design and accreditation test

通过整体的优化设计,增大了车辆的有效容积,使车辆的自重降低到23. 77吨,设计载重提升到60吨,车体的刚度、强度均符合tb t1335? 1996《铁道车辆强度设计及试验鉴定规范》的要求。

The results show that: nano- nickel powder is not useful for mh electrode during the high rate discharge phase as a conductor or additive; superfine nickel powder is apppcable for the conductor of the negative because of the good performance especially the cycpc stabipty at 1c rate by using 5%( mass percentage) nickel powder; the utipzation of alloy, specific mass and volume capacity are increased with the decreased particle size of nickel powder in negative, however, the capacity fading rate at 1c discharge rate is also increased, so the capacity and the cycpc stabipty should be taken into account to make a choice of the particle size

结果表明: mh电极中加入纳米镍粉对负极的大电流放电性能不利。 mh电极中加入超细镍粉后电极综合性能好,尤其是1c循环稳定性,其最佳添加量为5wt。减小镍粉粒度提高了电极合金利用率、质量比容量、体积比容量,但增大了负极1c容量衰减率,因此镍粉粒度的选择应综合考虑mh电极容量和循环稳定性。
