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1、He was born disabled and uses a wheelchair to get around.


2、The website has a feature that allows users to make their account disabled if they want to take a break.


3、The company had to pay a fine for discriminating against the disabled job candidate.


3、The hotel has several rooms that are accessible for disabled guests.


4、She felt like a burden on her family when she became disabled after the accident.(她在事故后变成残疾后觉得自己成了家庭负担。)

5、The teacher made sure to accommodate the needs of her disabled student in the classroom.(老师确保在教室里照顾到残疾学生的需求。)

6、The city installed ramps and elevators to make public transportation more accessible for the disabled.(这个城市安装了坡道和电梯,以使公共交通更易于残疾人使用。)

7、The government provides financial assistance for disabled individuals who cannot work.(政府为无法工作的残疾人提供经济援助。)

8、The store was fined for not having proper accommodations for disabled customers.(这家商店因为没有为残疾顾客提供适当的设施而被罚款。)

9、The athlete refused to let his disability hold him back from achieving his dreams.


10、The movie theater offers special screenings for disabled patrons with audio descriptions and closed captions.


11、The charity organization helps provide medical care and equipment for disabled children.


12、The law requires public buildings to have wheelchair ramps and other accommodations for disabled individuals.


13、The disabled veteran struggled to adjust to civilian life after serving in the military.(这位残疾退伍军人在服役后适应平民生活时遇到了困难。)

14、The airline offers free baggage assistance to disabled passengers who need help with their luggage.



1、An Interpreter will go all along with you while you stay in Beijing.您在北京逗留期间,我们将提供一名译员全程陪同您。

2、Shestayedat home(= did not go out to work) while the children were young.孩子们小的时候,她没出去上班。

3、‘Do you want a drink?’‘No, thanks, I can'tstay.’“你要不要喝一杯?”“不,谢谢,我不能久待。”

4、Can youstaybehind after the others have gone and help me clear up?你能不能等别人走后留下来帮我收拾收拾?

5、I don't know why theystaytogether(= remain married or in a relationship).我不知道他们为什么还在一起。

6、'Stayhere,' Trish said.'I'll bring the car down the drive to take you back.'...“呆这别动,”特里西说,“我会把车开过来送你回去。”

7、In the old days the womanstayedat home and the man earned the money.过去,女主内,男主外。

8、The Republican candidate said he would'work like crazy tostayahead'.共和党候选人说他将“拼命保持领先优势”。

9、Every single employee turned up at the meeting, even people who usuallystayedaway.所有雇员一个个不落都参加了会议,甚至平常不去开会的人都去了。

10、After months ofstayingwell out of the problem, Washington has expressed a willingness to help find a solution.几个月以来都不曾介入该问题的华盛顿方面已表示愿意帮助寻求解决方案。

11、Nuclear weapons are here tostaybecause they have changed the way countries approach the idea of war.核武器已被广泛接受,因为它们改变了各国处理战争的方法。
