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一、in that的用法

作为英语中一个常用的短语,in that通常是用来指代某一方面,在语言中进行一些解释或者强

调。在不同的语境中,in that的用法会有所不同。

在一些情况下,in that可以表达某一行动或者因素的原因。例如:“In that he did not listen to my advice, he failed his exam."这个句子中,in that表示:“因为他没有听我的建议,所以他考试不及格了。”这种用法用来强调一些产生结果的最重要因素,从而明确传达信息。

in that还可以用来解释某一事实、观点或者行为。例如:“She did well in that test, but she didn't do well in the presentation.”这句话中,In That解释了两个事件之间的不同。它可以用来与其他的行为或者特性进行对比,从而明确其不同之处。

in that也可以用于明确某一事物的意义或者定义。例如:“Democracy is a process of government where people are given an equal say in that they choose their leaders."在这个句子中,in that明确了民主的本质和定义。这种用法通常是用来用语言界定某一事物。

in that也可以用于考虑到某一小事实而引出更重要问题。例如:“In that I forgot my phone at home, I had to go back and get it.”这个句子中,InThat引出了忘记手机这一小事实,因而暗示了忘记手机所带来的机遇成本。

in that还可以用于说明某种细节或者特定情况。例如:“He won the race, in that he was the fastest runner in the group.”这句话说明他在这一组中是最快的赛跑者,从而明确了比赛的胜利者是谁。

以上五种用法包含了 In That的主要用法。需要特别注意的是,In That在语言中引出的信息往往比左右的句子更具有某种含义和关联性。因此,熟练掌握 In That的用法是提升英语语言能力的关键之一。



2、forward向前 toward和towards一样。

3、toward和towards这两个词在用法和意义上基本没有什么区别,可以互换使用,但前者主要用于美式英语中.其它类似的用法意义基本无区别的词还有:forward和forwards, backward和backwards, upward和upwards等。

4、以ward为后缀的词意义:朝方向,副词、介词后缀 toward(s) forwards upwards downwards homeward inward outwards,seawards backward westward eastward southward afterwards adulthood neighbourhood。

5、以ish为后缀的形容词有:snobbish、faddish、fiendish、modish、waggish、sluggish、churlish、boorish、coltish、childish.snobbish:英 [ˈsnɒbɪʃ]美 [ˈsnɑb。


1、一、详细释义:, adj.,尴尬的,例句:,They'd chosen an awkward time to call as I'd just got into the bath.,他们选了一个令人尴尬的时间打电话来,我刚开始洗澡。,例句:,What an awkward position I'm now placed in!,我现在的处境该有多难堪啊!,例句:,You are putting me in an [awkward] position.,你把我置于一个很尴尬的位置。,难对付的,棘手的,难相处的,例句:,He is an awkward customer.,他是个难对付的顾客。,例句:,You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully.,你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。,不方便的,不合适的,例句:,This machine is awkward to handle.,这台机器很难操作。,例句:,It was*** all but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry.,它虽然小,但很重,不便携带。,笨拙的,例句:,John looks awkward for a ball player, but he is a rough diamond.,约翰看起来似乎是个笨拙的球员,事实上他是个可造之材。,例句:,Her awkward attempt to explain her error merely added insult to injury.,她笨拙地企图解释所犯的错误,结果只是越描越黑。,二、词义辨析:, awkward,clumsy,这两个形容词都含有“笨拙的”之意。awkward侧重缺乏优雅、机敏和技巧。用于物时,指使用不便。clumsy指人时,侧重行动笨拙;指物时,侧重制作粗陋或体积、重量过大而呈现笨重。,三、参考例句:,He felt awkward and unfortable.,他感到尴尬和不舒服。,He is an awkward customer.,他是个难对付的顾客。,This is an awkward hoe.,这把锄头太笨。,Everyone is awkward at times!,有时每个人都很难相处!,I use chopsticks in an awkward manner.,用起筷子来我笨极了。,The heavy ax was awkward to use.,这把重斧头不好用。,He's an awkward old cuss.,他是个笨手笨脚的家伙。,She felt awkward alone with him.,单独与他在一起她感到很尴尬。,Swans are surprisingly awkward on land.,天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。,I find myself in an awkward situation.,我觉得自己处境尴尬。
