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一、awkward是什么意思及反义词 翻译awkward的意思

英音 ['ɔ:kwəd];,美音 ['ɔ:kwəd];,adj.


,副词 awkwardly,名称 awkwardness,这两个形容词都含有“笨拙的”之意。


clumsy指人时,侧重行动笨拙;指物时,侧重制作粗陋或体积、重量过大而呈现笨重。,difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape,not elegant or graceful in expression,not at ease socially; unsure and constrained in manner,hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarras*** ent,lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance,causing inconvenience,awkward squad一小队训练不足的新兵一羣没有经验的人乌合之众,awkward customer难对付的家伙,the awkward age n.未成熟的青春期,awkward syntax【计】别扭语法,awkward age未成熟的青春期,an awkward customer n.难对付的人,an awkward squad n.乌合之众,place in an awkward position使处于尴尬[可笑]的境地,put in an awkward position使处于尴尬[可笑]的境地,awkward& lengthy cargo笨重长大货物此指单件货物的重量过重、体积过大、或是尺寸过长,在装卸、配载、保管及运输上需要特殊设备的支持例如钢轨、车辆和大型机械皆在此范围内。在重量及标尺方面,各国无论是陆、海、空运皆有不同的规定,awkward adj.1.令人尴尬的,使人难堪的2.难对付的;难处理的3.不方便的4.(因形状、设计而)产生困难的,危险的5.(动作)笨拙的;不舒适的




3、It's a little awkward, because he's my friend but I'm still his boss.他是我朋友,而我又是他老板,这真有点尴尬。

4、He felt awkward and uncomfortable.他感到尴尬和不舒服。

5、He seemed as awkward and rough as ever.他跟从前一样拙笨和粗鲁。

6、Swans are surprisingly awkward on the land.天鹅在陆地上笨的出奇。

7、The heavy ax was awkward to use.这把重斧头不好用。




三、「尴尬」英文怎么说 embarrassed/ awkward 中文意思!

尴尬英文怎么说?常见的尴尬英文说法你可以说 embarrassed,这是最常见的。例如He is embarrassed.意思就是他觉得很尴尬,另外,你也可以用 awkward, awkward本身也带有尴尬的意思,只是awkward的意思不少,用的时候要特别注意。


embarrassed的意思是指「feeling ashamed or shy」,也就是你感到不好意思或是害羞尴尬。


例: I’m embarrassed of myself.我为自己感到尴尬。

例: He looked a bit embarrassed.他显得有些尴尬。



例: I always feel awkward when I’m with Jenny.当我和珍妮在一起时,我总是很尴尬。

例: He seemed a little awkward.他似乎有点尴尬。

四、英语高手进 全文翻译

1、I went to a group activity,"Sensitivity

2、Sunday" which was to make us more aware of the problem faced by disabled

3、people. We were asked to adopt a disability" for

4、several hours one Sunday. Some members like me chose to use wheel

5、chairs. Others wore sound-blocking earplug(耳塞)or blindfold(眼罩).

6、Just sitting in the wheelchair was a like me experience.

7、I had never considered before how awkward it would be to use one. As

8、made the chair begin to roll. Its wheel were not.locked Then I wondered where to put my

9、feet. It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into action I took my

10、first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of transportation for several hours. For disabled

11、people,"adopting a wheelchair" is not a temporary(临时的) experiment

12、I tried to find a comfortable position and thought it might be restful, even kind

13、of nice to be pushed around for a while. Looking around, I realize would

14、have to handle the thing myself! My hands started to ache as I turned the

15、heavy wheels. I came to know that controlling the direction of

16、the wheelchair was not going to be a(n) easy task.

17、My wheelchair experiment was soon finished. It

18、made a deep impression on me. A few hours of"disability" gave me

19、only a taste of the challenge,both physical and

20、mental, that disabled people must overcome.









五、Pretty Handsome Awkward中文歌词翻译


2、Your dream vacation is my hostage refuge梦中的假期是我的人质难民

3、A work in progress完善中的作品

4、You bleed Just like you puke while running a mile你像呕吐般流着血并且不断奔跑(you到mile是一句不能拆的)

5、I beg to differ, make me an offer我祈求着不同,给我一个价吧

6、Warm summer rain暖暖的夏日阵雨

7、You bleed just like you puke while running a mile你像呕吐般流着血并且不断奔跑

8、Hey, are you okay?(okay)嘿你还好么

9、You look pretty low你看起来及其沮丧

10、Very handsome awkward非常帅气地尴尬

11、Do you feel okay?(okay)你感觉还好么

12、You look pretty low你看起来及其沮丧

13、Very handsome awkward非常帅气地尴尬

14、Your market value, Your resurrection你的市场价值,你的复活

15、Your shallow concept你的浅薄概念

16、Help yourself, I hope you choke and you die请自便我希望你窒息而死

17、I know you meant it,我知道你就是这个意思

18、Nice fucking diguise, so hollow真特妈的装如此空虚

19、Embrace the burn感受这燃烧的痛

20、you bleed just like you puke while running a mile你像呕吐般流着血并且不断奔跑

21、Hey, are you okay?(okay)嘿你还好么

22、You look pretty low你看起来及其沮丧

23、Very handsome awkward非常帅气地尴尬

24、Do you feel okay?(okay)你感觉还好么

25、You look pretty low你看起来及其沮丧

26、Very handsome awkward非常帅气地尴尬

27、You look pretty low你看起来及其沮丧

28、You look pretty low你看起来及其沮丧

29、Hey, are you okay?(okay)嘿你还好么

30、You look pretty low你看起来及其沮丧

31、Pretty low, pretty low及其沮丧及其沮丧

32、Pretty handsome awkward非常帅气地尴尬

33、You look pretty low你看起来及其沮丧

34、Pretty low, pretty low及其沮丧及其沮丧

35、Pretty handsome awkward非常帅气地尴尬
