awkward to carry(awkward啥意思)

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大家好,关于awkward to carry很多朋友都还不太明白,今天小编就来为大家分享关于awkward啥意思的知识,希望对各位有所帮助!



2、 v.携带;运送;搬运;带有;传播;承载

3、英 ['kæri]美 ['kæri]

4、 She came in carrying an important-looking piece of paper.


6、 This is a dangerous area, so don't carry too much cash on you.


8、 Pipes carry oil across the desert to the east.


10、 The box is so heavy that I can't carry it.

11、 His voice carries the ring of authority.

12、 Many dangerous diseases are carried by insects.


14、 This radio station does not carry any advertising.

15、 Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties.

16、 The indisputable fact is that computers carry out logical operations不容置疑的事实是,电脑执行逻辑操作指令。

17、 The Navy is to carry out an examination of the wreck tomorrow海军明天将对失事船只进行细查。

18、 Many women know how to carry out repairs on their cars许多妇女懂得怎样修自己的车。

19、 Even in this stillness Leaphorn doubted if the sound would carry far就是在这样的寂静当中,利普霍恩也怀疑声音不会传很远。

20、 All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。

21、 They were told to carry their wounded and leave their dead他们被命令抬走伤员,丢下死者。

22、 Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates流入湖中的泉水和河水携带了溶于水的硝酸盐和磷酸盐。

23、 The burglars took just about anything they could carry窃贼们盗走了所有拿得动的东西。

24、 He's got the experience and the authority to carry it off他的经验和威望足以做成这件事。

25、 He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign他也许会被迫把自己的辞职威胁付诸行动。

26、 Use a weatherproof rucksack to carry your camera and lenses around in用防风雨的帆布背包装照相机和镜头。

27、 It is expensive to buy and a bind to carry home买这个费用很贵,搬回家也费劲。

28、 Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases青蛙吃破坏庄稼、传播疾病的害虫。

29、 We carry illustrations of these medals on our masthead我们在报头刊登这些奖章的图片。

30、 These buses will carry families upstate to visit relatives in prison这些公共汽车将载着家属北上去探监。

31、 She needed a clear head to carry out her instructions她需要一个头脑清醒的人来执行自己的指令。

32、 The offences carry a maximum sentence of 10 years这些罪行最高可判10年徒刑。

33、 He had the ruthless streak necessary to carry him into the Cabinet他具有进入内阁所必需的冷酷性格。

34、 Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way工人们争先恐后地将价值连城的物品运到安全的地方。

35、 It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry它虽然小,但很重,不便携带。


1、一、详细释义:, adj.,尴尬的,例句:,They'd chosen an awkward time to call as I'd just got into the bath.,他们选了一个令人尴尬的时间打电话来,我刚开始洗澡。,例句:,What an awkward position I'm now placed in!,我现在的处境该有多难堪啊!,例句:,You are putting me in an [awkward] position.,你把我置于一个很尴尬的位置。,难对付的,棘手的,难相处的,例句:,He is an awkward customer.,他是个难对付的顾客。,例句:,You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully.,你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。,不方便的,不合适的,例句:,This machine is awkward to handle.,这台机器很难操作。,例句:,It was*** all but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry.,它虽然小,但很重,不便携带。,笨拙的,例句:,John looks awkward for a ball player, but he is a rough diamond.,约翰看起来似乎是个笨拙的球员,事实上他是个可造之材。,例句:,Her awkward attempt to explain her error merely added insult to injury.,她笨拙地企图解释所犯的错误,结果只是越描越黑。,二、词义辨析:, awkward,clumsy,这两个形容词都含有“笨拙的”之意。awkward侧重缺乏优雅、机敏和技巧。用于物时,指使用不便。clumsy指人时,侧重行动笨拙;指物时,侧重制作粗陋或体积、重量过大而呈现笨重。,三、参考例句:,He felt awkward and unfortable.,他感到尴尬和不舒服。,He is an awkward customer.,他是个难对付的顾客。,This is an awkward hoe.,这把锄头太笨。,Everyone is awkward at times!,有时每个人都很难相处!,I use chopsticks in an awkward manner.,用起筷子来我笨极了。,The heavy ax was awkward to use.,这把重斧头不好用。,He's an awkward old cuss.,他是个笨手笨脚的家伙。,She felt awkward alone with him.,单独与他在一起她感到很尴尬。,Swans are surprisingly awkward on land.,天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。,I find myself in an awkward situation.,我觉得自己处境尴尬。



2、eg: He wants to break the awkward silence by telling a joke.


4、eg: Don’t ask such awkward questions.

5、eg: I’m sorry that I come at such awkward time.


7、eg: The box is so awkward to carry.

8、eg: She tried to dance with us, but she looked so awkward.


10、eg: She didn’t know how to get rid of the awkward position.


12、eg: You need to find a solution to this awkward question.


14、eg: Stop making such awkward excuse.

15、awkward instrument使用不便的工具

16、eg: I don’t want to use this awkward instrument.


1.ADJAnawkwardsituation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with.令人尴尬的

I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be harder ones to come.


awkwardlyADV令人尴尬地[ADV adj/-ed]

There was an awkwardly long silence.


ADJSomething that isawkwardtouse or carry is difficult to use or carry because of its design. A job that isawkwardis difficult to do.(使用)不便的;棘手的(工作)

It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry.


The front window switches are awkwardly placed on the dashboard.


ADJAnawkwardmovement or position is uncomfortable or clumsy.笨拙的

Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands.


awkwardlyADV笨拙地[ADV with v]

He fell awkwardly and went down in agony clutching his right knee.


ADJSomeone who feelsawkwardbehaves in a shy or embarrassed way.难为情的

Women frequently say that they feel awkward taking the initiative in sex.


awkwardlyADV难为情地[ADV with v]

"This is Malcolm," the girl said awkwardly, to fill the silence.

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