appeal(appeal to 吸引的用法)

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大家好,appeal相信很多的网友都不是很明白,包括appeal to 吸引的用法也是一样,不过没有关系,接下来就来为大家分享关于appeal和appeal to 吸引的用法的一些知识点,大家可以关注收藏,免得下次来找不到哦,下面我们开始吧!


1、appeal用作名词的基本意思是“恳求”,指急切地请求给予帮助,用于法律上则指“上诉”;也可指向裁判员提出请求和抗议; appeal后接to sb表示“恳求的对象”,接for sth表示“恳求的内容”。

2、 appeal against〔from〕(v.+prep.);


appeal的基本意思是强烈的请求他人注意某事或希望他人认真考虑自己的请求,即“呼吁”“恳求”;也常表示坚持让人听其申诉,由此引申而表示法律上的“上诉”; appeal所表示的'申诉有时含有动用感情试图引起有利于自己的反应或裁决之意,由此引申可表示“有感染力”“有吸引力”。此外, appeal还可表示“诉诸”“诉诸裁决或证实”。

4、 appeal的基本意思是强烈的请求他人注意某事或希望他人认真考虑自己的请求,即“呼吁”“恳求”;也常表示坚持让人听其申诉,由此引申而表示法律上的“上诉”; appeal所表示的'申诉有时含有动用感情试图引起有利于自己的反应或裁决之意,由此引申可表示“有感染力”“有吸引力”。此外, appeal还可表示“诉诸”“诉诸裁决或证实”。

5、 appeal除美式英语中表示“将…上诉”时用作及物动词外,一般用作不及物动词。表示“向…呼吁”“对…有吸引力”“诉诸…”时可接介词to;表示“呼吁”时可接介词for;表示“不服…而上诉”则可接介词against或from。


1、accuse普通用词,正式或非正式场合,私人或法律上均可用。被指控的情节可轻可重。常与介词 of搭配连用。如:

2、If convicted, an accused person may appeal.如果宣告有罪,被告可以上诉。

3、He was accused of smuggling.他被指控走私。

4、He accused me of taking the money.他指责我拿了钱。

5、They accused him of taking bribes.他们指控他接受贿赂。

6、appeal:上诉A litigant dissatisfied with the outcome of a lawsuit may exercise certain rights of appeal. To appeal means to have a lower court proceeding reviewed by a superior court. sue:控告,控诉,普通人用的字眼,包括民事及刑事 To initiate a lawsuit or continue a legal proceeding for the recovery of a right; to prosecute, assert a legal claim, or bring action against a particular party.prosecute:控诉,?业用词,主要是刑事控告To follow through; to commence and continue an action or judicial proceeding to its ultimate conclusion. To proceed against a defendant by charging that person with a crime and bringing him or her to trial.The state, on behalf of the people, generally prosecutes a defendant accused of a crime.charge:起诉,罪名,追诉,追控To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law. To impose a tax, duty, or trust. To entrust with responsibilities and duties(e.g., care of another). In commercial transactions, to bill or invoice; to purchase on credit. In criminal law, to indict or formally accuse.


1、appeal表示……有吸引力。appeal to sb对某人有吸引力;使某人感兴趣。【例如】It will appeal to those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.它吸引那些喜欢印象派和后印象派绘画的人。

2、appeal表示呼吁时可接介词for。【例如】It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.它可能也迎合了许多普通人心中的沙文主义情结。

3、表示不服……而上诉。【例如】He said they would appeal against the decision.他说他们将对该决议提出申诉。


4、Rational Appea:l理性诉求;理性诉求。

5、appeal panel:上诉委员会;上诉委员团。

6、appeal board:上诉小组;诉委员会。

7、appeal case:申诉案件;上诉个案。

1、The party tries to appeal to all classes of society.


2、We need to appeal to a wider customer base.

3、The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm.




3、Emotional Appeal感召力;情感诉求;情绪感染;感性诉求

4、appeal board上诉小组;诉委员会;

5、Rational Appeal理性诉求;理性诉求

6、appeal panel上诉委员会;上诉委员团;

7、Some states simply have one level of appeal.


9、In fact, not because of her appeal of the language but because of her true feelings and bitterness.



呼吁;恳请;恳求 If you appeal to someone to do

something, you make a serious and urgent request to them.

【语法信息】:V to/for n to-inf

Prime Minister appealed to young people to use


appeal to the state for an extension of


United Nations has appealed for help from the


呼吁;恳请;恳求 An appeal is a serious and urgent

message from King Fahd, believed to be an appeal


Romania's government issued a last-minute appeal to him to call off his trip.


(为慈善或正义事业的)募捐 An appeal is an attempt to raise

money for a charity or for a good cause.

appeal to save a library containing priceless


not another appeal for famine relief.


If you appeal to someone in authority against a decision, you formally

ask them to change it. In British English, you appeal against something.

In American English, you appeal something.

they would appeal against the decision...

intend to appeal the verdict...

has appealed to the Supreme Court to stop her


See also: Court of Appeal;上诉;申诉 An appeal is a formal request for a decision

appeal against the sentence was later successful...


agreed with her, but she lost the case on appeal.


对…有吸引力;使感兴趣 If something appeals to you, you find

other hand, the idea appealed to him...


range has long appealed to all tastes.


See also: sex appeal;吸引力;感染力 The appeal of something is a quality that

it has which people find attractive or interesting.

title was meant to give the party greater public appeal...


Johnson's appeal is to people in all

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