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the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something(as services or membership)

a way of entering or leaving;"he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge"

a code(a series of characters or digits) that must be entered in some way(typed or dialed or spoken) to get the use of something(a telephone line or a computer or a local area network etc.)

(computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information

the act of approaching or entering;"he gained access to the building"

Verb:obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer

reach or gain access to;"How does one access the attic in this house?"

"I cannot get to the T.V. antenna, even if I climb on the roof"


This is the only means of access to the building.

The avalanche cut off the access to the mountain village.

The only access to that building is along the track.


Only high officials have access to the president.

People in that mountain area had no access to education.


I demanded access to a telephone.

Students have full access to all resources.

An error occurred when we tried to access the inventory database.


She access three different files to find the correct information.


Branch officials can access the central data bank.

用作名词(n.)The only access to that building is along this muddy track.

只有沿这条泥泞小路才能到达那幢大楼。The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.

去那农舍的唯一通路是穿过田野。The only access to the garden is through the kitchen.

到花园的唯一途径是穿过厨房。The only access to the river is over those hills.

只有爬过那几座小山才能走到河边。Our access to history is mainly through writing.

我们对历史的了解主要是通过阅读文献。There is no access to the street through that door.

那个门不通向大街。Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities.

欢迎残疾人士参观,坐轮椅可以方便地到达多数设施。An access of cough choked him.

一阵咳嗽使他透不过气来。These accesses of his disorder might come upon him at any moment.

他的疾病随时都可能发作。These accesses and intervals of thunder and explosion continued with varied force.

雷电轰鸣,时辍时作,时强时弱,绵延不断。How could the thief have gained access to the vault?

窃贼是怎么进入地下室的?Switzerland has access to the sea via the Rhine River.

瑞士有一条经莱茵河到海上的通道。The entrance door gives access to a living room.

进门便是起居室。The floods cut off access to the mountain villages.

洪水切断了通往这些山村的路。The new bridge will provide direct access to the suburbs east of the city.

这座新桥将成为去该城东郊的直接通道。The police gained access through a broken window.

警察从一扇破窗户钻了进去。The policeman is directing the held-up traffic to make access possible.

警察正在指挥拥堵的车辆,使道路畅通。The ramp span in the rear of the building permits direct access to the second floor from outside.

从大楼背后的斜桥上可以由外部直接进入二楼。They attempted to gain access through a side entrance.

他们试图从侧门进入。They have got access to raw materials.

他们有了获取原料的途径。Buses provide easy access to the place.

公共汽车为人们去那个地方提供了方便。The ramp provides easier access for people in wheelchairs.

斜坡为乘轮椅者进入提供了方便。Modern science and technology has provided easy access for us to sea-bed resources.

现代科学技术为我们取得海底资源提供了便利的方法。Modern vehicles provide easy access to other places.

现代化交通工具为人们前往其他地方提供了方便。Students must have access to good resources.

学生必须有机会使用有益的信息资源。Students need easy access to books.

要使学生借阅方便。Teachers have free access to the library.

教师可以自由使用图书馆。Professors have free access to these stacks.

教授们可以自由使用这些书库。Only graduate students have access to the library shelves.

只对研究生开架借书。The students only have limited access to the lab.

学生对实验室的使用是受限制的。I demanded access to a telephone.

我要求有使用电话的权利。The materials are ready, and whoever is in need may have access to them now.

此资料是现成的,无论谁需要,现在就可取。You need a password to get access to the computer system.

使用这个计算机系统需要口令。Everyone should have equal access to education.

人人都应享有平等的受教育权利。Only 40%of 5-year-olds have access to preschool education.5

岁孩童中只有40%能享受学前教育。Such an article will find ready access to the columns of the daily press.

这样的文章很容易在日报的专栏中得到发表。Only high officials had access to the president.

只有高级官员才可以见到总统。She has access to the president at any time.

她任何时候都可以见到总统。Only he had access to the baby.

只有他才能够接近那个婴儿。My ex-husband has access to the children at weekends.

我的前夫有权在周末同孩子在一起。By bribing her, the spy won access to some files.

那个间谍贿赂她而得见一些文件。Out of practice for a short space of two months, he got a sudden access of weight.

他短短两个月没有锻炼,体重就突然增加了。Exchange of experiences brought them an access of knowledge.

他们交流经验,增长见识。When that ox looked at a piece of red cloth, it had an access of anger.

当那头公牛看到一块红布时,它动怒了。He felt a new access of strength.

他觉得增添了新的力量。Heavy trucks are not allowed access to the downtown area.

重型卡车不许进入市区。He was denied access.

人们不让他进去。Journalists were denied access to the President.

记者们被挡住,无法见到总统。Access to this area is restricted to military personnel.

只有军事人员可以进入该地区。Access to employees' records is restricted.

查阅雇员档案的权利是受到限制的。Access to up-to-date financial information is important to our success.

获得即时更新金融信息对我们的成功至关重要。The house is difficult of access.

这栋房子不容易进去。He is a man of difficult access.

他是难以接近的人。He is a man of easy access.

他是个容易接近的人。She's one of a handful of aides with direct access to the president.

她是少数几个可以直接面见总统的助手之一。Many are down with an access of flu.

许多人突然患流感,卧床不起。The place is within easy access.

那地方很近。My house is within easy access of the supermarket.

我家离超市很近。用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.

银行客户可以通过电子系统立即查看自己的支票账户。Branch officials can access the central data bank.

分部官员可以利用中央数据库。The database allows you to access the sales figures in a number of ways.

该数据库能让你以多种方式获取销售数字。We can access the figures we need on the computer.

我们可在计算机里存取我们所需要的数据。1The road is closed but can be accessed by emergency vehicles.

道路被封闭了,但是紧急车辆可以通过。The loft can be accessed by a ladder.


用作名词(n.)动词+~deny access不让进入find access找到机会gain access有…机会或权利get access得以进入give access给予机会have access有权prevent access不准进入seek access寻求途径形容词+~difficult access难以接近direct access直接进入easy access容易进入free access免费使用limited access有限享用only access唯一通路open access自由出入permanent access永久性通道quick access快速的方法random access随机存取~+名词accesschannel“向公众开放”专栏节目频道accesscontrol访问控制accesscourse〈英〉高考资格补习班accesspath访问路径,存取路径accessprivileges访问优先级accessprogram〈美〉每周特别节目;〈英〉临时出让节目accessrights访问权限accessroad公路支线,行车通道accessspeed存取速度accesstelevision公开电视节目accesstime存取时间介词+~a summit easy of access容易达到的顶峰a summit hard of access难以达到的高峰~+介词accessof突发accessof cholera突发霍乱accessof disappointment突然失望accessof illness突发病症accessof income收入增加accessof love突然爱上accessof paralysis突发瘫痪accessof pessimism突然感到悲观accessof population人口增加accessof power权力增加accessof rage突然发怒accessof toothache突发牙疼accessof wealth财产增加accessof zeal突然热情起来accessto接近,去…的通路,使用…的机会〔权利〕accessto a person接近某人accessto a place到某地accessto confidential information接触机密情报的机会accessto court向法院申诉的权利accessto education受教育的机会accessto market进入市场accessto modern technology取得现代技术accessto power掌权accessto space进入太空accessto sth做某事的门路〔方法〕accessto the farmhouse去农舍的道路accessto the files有查阅档案的权利accessto the sea出入海洋;通往海洋accessthrough friends to sb通过朋友引荐给某人七、词源解说

☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的acces,意为屠杀;最初源自拉丁语的accessus,意为到达,通道。access的相关近义词


accessible、acceptance、accessit、accessio、accessor、accessing、access to、accessary、access VPN、access key、access arm、access bit





adj.(形容词)基本的,根本的;初步的,起点的基础的起码的低标准的【化】碱的最简单的,初级的必需的,基本需要的没有附加成分的主要的【化】碱性的,碱式的【矿】基性的含少量硅酸的【军】初步的n.(名词)基础【计】程式语言基本原理,基本原则基本基础训练初学者通用符号指令代码碱性要素【计】 BASIC语言二、双解释义

adj.(形容词)基本的,基础的;根本的 form a base or starting-point; fundamental三、词典解释

You usebasic to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or necessary, and on which others depend.

e.g. One of the mostbasic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook.


e.g....thebasic skills of reading, writing and communicating.

Basic goods and services are very simple ones which every human being needs. You can also refer to people'sbasic needs for such goods and services.

e.g....shortages of even the mostbasic foodstuffs...

e.g. Hospitals lack evenbasic drugs for surgical operations.


If one thing isbasic to another, it is absolutely necessary to it, and the second thing cannot exist, succeed, or be imagined without it. oily liquid,basic to the manufacture of a host of other chemical substances...


e.g. There are certain ethical principles that arebasic to all the great religions.


You can usebasic to emphasize that you are referring to what you consider to be the most important aspect of a situation, and that you are not concerned with less important details.

e.g. There are threebasic types of tea...

e.g. Thebasic design changed little from that patented by Edison more than 100 years ago...



You can usebasic to describe something that is very simple in style and has only the most necessary features, without any luxuries.

e.g. We provide 2-person tents andbasic cooking and camping equipment.


e.g....the extremelybasic hotel room.

Basic is used to describe a price or someone's income when this does not include any additional amounts. increase of more than twenty per cent on thebasic pay of a typical coalface worker...


e.g. Thebasic retirement pension will go up by£7.95 a week...



Thebasic rate of income tax is the lowest or most common rate, which applies to people who earn average incomes.

e.g. All this is to be done without big rises in thebasic level of taxation.


The family is the basic unit of society.

The right to work is a basic right of the citizens.

Food, clothing and shelter are all basic necessities of life.


Basic research is of great importance in all scientific fields.


We should give priority to the development of the basic industries.

All the people can be accessible to basic health care services in the future.


His research formed the basic of his new book.


BASIC is the language most programmers learn first.


用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.The basic vocabulary of a language is those words that must be learnt.

一种语言的基本词汇即必须掌握的词语。Basic practice is useful for learning English.

基础训练对于学习英语是重要的。The basic ingredients of this cake are flour, egg, sugar and chocolate.

这种蛋糕的基本配料是面粉、鸡蛋、糖和巧克力。My most basic beliefs never change.

我最基本的信念从来没有改变。They are not to compromise on a single basic principle.

他们不会在任何基本原则问题上妥协的。These are the basic rules of playing basketball.

这些是篮球的基本规则。Grocers have agreed to bring down the cost of several basic commodities.

杂货商们同意降低几种基本商品的成本。At least, you must consider the plan in its basic aspects.

至少你应该考虑到这个计划的基本方面。This is one of the basic reasons why some of our work can't be done well.

这是我们有些工作做不好的一个基本原因。We recognize that reading is the basic skill of learning in higher education.

我们认识到,在高等教育中,阅读是学习的基本技能。These basic concepts must be kept in mind in our discussion of China's cultural problems.

我们讨论中国文化问题,不能忘记这些基本概念。The industry's basic problem is the lack of demand.

工业方面的根本问题是缺乏需求。用作表语S+be+~These words are basic.

这些单词是基本的。I'm afraid the hotel is a bit basic.

恐怕这家旅馆有点简陋。My knowledge of car engines is pretty basic.

我所掌握的汽车发动机知识是相当简单的。These rules of playing basketball are basic.

这些篮球规则是基本的。These points are basic; without them, the plan cannot work.

这些都是基本要点;没有这些基本要点,这个计划行不通。S+be+~+to n./pron.Work hard is absolutely basic to success.

成功基于努力之上。A knowledge of her upbringing is basic to an understanding of her books.

要读懂她的书就要首先了解她的成长经历。There are certain things that are absolutely basic to the maintenance of a good relationship.

要保持良好的关系,有些条件是必不可少的。Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.


B:You‘re asking too much for this part.

B:What is the price difference?

A:Thebasic model will cost about 10% less.

☆ 1964年进入英语,直接源自计算机语的Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code,意为初学者通用的符号指令代码的base-ic。basic的相关近义词



basics、bashful、basica、Basicas、basicole、basicyte、basic to、basicity、basic AS、basically、basic FAR、basic-q




2、The analects of confucius can guide our life.


4、The analects is chinese traditional culture treasury shinning pearl.


6、Analects of confucius and perfect undergraduate personality cultivation.


8、Today, as in the analects constantly to spread abroad, more make the chinese nation and the world people to enjoy the precious spiritual wealth.


10、With a recent book and television series on the analects, the best-known collection of the sage's musings, yu dan has tried to make the teachings accessible to ordinary chinese.

