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New year is coming,we will have three days off,all of us are very happy,we will go shopping together,I want to buy new shoes and new coat,I am going to buy fire for my younger brother。we will spend a happy new year.新年(元旦)马上就要到来。我们会放3天假期。

Spring Festival is coming.My families are all busy.they are a clean the house.Im doing my homework,and help my parents do some housework.We are very busy but happy.一个新的春节来临了。我的家人都很忙。他们在打扫房子。我在做作业,并帮助我的父母做一些家务。

A new Spring Festival is coming.My families are all busy.they are a clean the house.Im doing my homework,and help my parents do some housework.We are very busy but happy.一个新的春节来临了。我的家人都很忙。他们在打扫房子。我在做作业,并帮助我的父母做一些家务。

春节,农历新年是最重要的festivalfor我们所有人。所有家庭成员都得到新YearEve一起有一个很大的meal.At同时,每个人都庆祝每个约12 other.At时,一些家长和孩子,crackers.The点亮整个天空明亮。

翻译 1个中国新年 Chinese新年是全世界中国人民的最重要的节日。 它也称春节或月球新年。 春节的确切的日期在西部日历的每年改变。 然而,中国新年发生在1月1日和2月19日之间。On中国日历每年有动物的名字。 这些动物是鼠、黄牛、老虎、兔子、龙、蛇、马、公羊、猴子、雄鸡、狗和猪。



1、The Lantern Festival blesses peace, luck and luck often accompany.元宵祝福平安到,福运幸运常相伴。


3、easinessisthefairytaleoflove,thebelltickisthecareofafriend,notdeeplywishesdancedragonlanterndance,messagewaspassednotoveryuanxiao,lanternfestival,giveyouthebestwishes,wishyouhappy。 3愿你事业有成,前程似锦。 3祝你在新的一年里好运。

4、I wish you a happy Spring Festival, all the luck, you and your family happiness and good luck in New Year! 愿你新春快乐,万事如意,心想事成,家庭幸福,新年大吉大利! Best of luck in the year to come.A New Year greeting to cheer you, my good friend.愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。

5、Happy Valentines Day Honey! 愿情人节带给我们丘比特之爱和暖融融的浪漫。情人节快乐!You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I cant let you go.HappyValentines 。


1、“ 我最喜欢的节日 中国有许多节日,但我最喜欢的节日是春节。年轻人喜欢过年是为了休年假 ;大学生喜欢过年是为了回家看爸妈;老年人喜欢过年是为了看春晚;小孩子喜欢过年是为了挣得红包 。我认为春节是中华民族传统的传承,是对传统的追思。

2、became China people to commemorate QuYuans traditional festival.端午节为每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节等。“端午节”为中国国家法定节假日之一,并已被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录。



1、春节小短文篇1:When the Spring Festival came, every family put up Spring Festival couplets, hung lanterns and set off firecrackers.春节到了,家家户户贴起了春联,挂起了灯笼,放起了鞭炮。

2、the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival.春节是中国民间最隆重的传统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”、“新年”。春节的历史很悠久,它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。

3、春节小短文英语5句话是如下:2022年春节到了,我希望今年我能收到很多的压岁钱。The Spring Festival in 2022 is coming. I hope I can receive a lot of lucky money this year.但我最希望的是明年找到一个漂亮的女朋友。

4、关于春节的英语小短文如下:As the spring festival is coming, I decide to tell you something about Spring Festival.春节快到了,我要告诉你些关于春节的一些事。



1、Its new year, its new year. I have been looking forward to the new year. New years old man came to us with joy, and our faces blossomed with joy.过年了,大家都拿出早已准备好的烟花,冲到门外,高高兴兴地点燃了引线。啊,多么的美啊。

2、Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year.祝福您,新年快乐。1Please accept my seasons greetings.请接受我节日的祝贺。1To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you.恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。

3、英文新年祝福语三年级小短文如下:Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year.祝福您,新年快乐。To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you.恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。

4、us wish! Blessing? Wish everybody study progress, the students every day happy, healthy growth. I wish you a happy New Year, I wish the teacher happy!!新年快到了,让我们一起祝福吧!祝福什麽呢?祝大家学习进步,同学们健康成长,天天开心。

标签: #springfestival小短文