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Here are some examples of sentences using the word "contribution":

1. "His contribution to the project was invaluable, as he provided crucial insights and ideas that helped us move forward."

2. "The company's financial contribution to the charity was a significant boost to their efforts to help those in need."

3. "Each member of the team made a unique contribution to the success of the project, working together to achieve our goals."

4. "The scientist's contribution to the field of medicine has been groundbreaking, leading to new treatments and improved patient outcomes."

5. "The artist's contribution to the exhibition was a stunning painting that captured the essence of the theme and drew in crowds of admiring visitors."

6. "The government's contribution to the country's economic growth has been significant, through policies that have encouraged investment and created jobs."

7. "The student's contribution to the class discussion was thoughtful and well-researched, adding depth and perspective to the conversation."

8. "The environmentalist's contribution to protecting the planet has been tireless, through their activism and dedication to sustainable practices."

9. "The author's contribution to the literary canon is a timeless novel that has been enjoyed by generations of readers."

10. "The community's contribution to the success of the event was remarkable, with volunteers donating their time and resources to make it a memorable occasion."