sort out造句

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"Sort out" 是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“整理”或“解决”,以下是一些使用 "sort out" 造句的例子:

1. "I need to sort out my closet. There are too many clothes and I can't find anything!"


2. "Can you help me sort out these documents? I'm not sure which ones are important and which ones can be thrown away."


3. "Let's sort out this problem before it gets worse."


4. "I'm going to sort out my schedule for next week so I can make sure I have time for everything."


5. "The teacher asked the students to sort out the books by subject."


这些句子展示了 "sort out" 在不同情境中的用法,包括整理物品、解决问题、安排日程和分类书籍等。