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"War" is a term that can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some common definitions:

1. Military Conflict: War typically refers to a state of armed conflict between two or more nations or groups. It often involves the use of force and violence to achieve political or territorial goals.

2. Hostility: War can also be used to describe any situation of hostility, conflict, or violence between people or groups, whether it involves nations or not.

3. Competition: In some contexts, war can be used as a metaphor for competition or rivalry, such as in business, sports, or other areas where there is intense competition for success or resources.

4. Struggle: War can also be used to describe a struggle or conflict within an individual or group, such as a personal battle with addiction, mental illness, or other challenges.

In any case, war is a complex and often tragic phenomenon that has been a part of human history for centuries. It often results in death, destruction, and human suffering, and efforts to resolve conflicts peacefully are always preferred.