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"Significance" 是一个英语单词,意思是重要性、意义或影响,以下是 "significance" 的用法示例:

1. "The significance of the event was not immediately clear." (这个事件的重要性并不立即明确。)

2. "The research has significant implications for the future of medicine."(这项研究对医学的未来具有重要意义。)

3. "The significance of education in the development of a country cannot be overstated."(教育在国家发展中的重要性怎么强调都不为过。)

请注意,"significance" 通常用于描述某事物的重要性或意义,而不是用于描述某事物的实际价值或价格,我们不能说 "The significance of this painting is $1 million",而应该说 "The value of this painting is $1 million"。