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# identify用法和搭配



1. 指通过辨认或鉴别确认某人的身份或特征,Can you identify the thief from the security camera footage?(你能从安全摄像头的录像中识别出小偷吗?)

2. 指通过某种方式将某物与另一物进行关联或比较,从而确认其身份或特征,The police identified the suspect using his fingerprints.(警方通过指纹识别确认了嫌疑人的身份。)

3. 指在科学或医学领域中对某物质或疾病进行分类或鉴别,The pathologist identified the cause of death as heart failure.(病理学家确认死亡原因为心力衰竭。)

4. 指在数学或逻辑领域中对某个变量或符号进行赋值或解释,The variable x was identified with the number 5 in this equation.(在这个方程中,变量x被赋值为数字5。)


1. identify with sb/sth:意为“与某人或某事物产生共鸣”、“认同某人或某事物”,I identified with the character in the movie.(我认同电影中的角色。)

2. identify sb/sth as sth:意为“将某人或某事物识别为某事物”,The police identified the suspect as the murderer.(警方将嫌疑人识别为凶手。)

3. identify sb/sth from sth:意为“从某事物中识别出某人或某事物”,I identified my friend from the crowd.(我从人群中认出了我的朋友。)

4. identify with sth:意为“与某事物产生共鸣”、“认同某事物”,I identified with the values ​​expressed in the speech.(我认同演讲中表达的价值观。)

5. identify in sth:意为“在某事物中找到共同点”,I identified in the book a lot of wisdom.(我在书中找到了很多智慧。)

6. identify oneself with sb/sth:意为“与某人或某事物保持一致”、“支持某人或某事物”,He identified himself with the cause of environmental protection.(他支持环保事业。)

7. identify the source of sth:意为“确认某事物的来源”,The scientist identified the source of the virus as a wild animal.(科学家确认病毒的来源是一种野生动物。)

8. identify oneself with sth:意为“将自己视为某人或某事物的一部分”,He identified himself with his country during the war.(战争期间,他视自己为国家的一部分。)

9. identify a person as sth:意为“将某人认定为某个身份或角色”,The jury identified the defendant as the murderer.(陪审团认定被告为凶手。)

10. identify oneself as sth:意为“表明自己的身份或角色”,He identified himself as the owner of the company.(他表明自己是公司的老板。)

11. identify a place as sth:意为“将某个地方认定为某个地点”,I identified the place as the scene of the crime.(我认定该地点为犯罪现场。)

12. identify a person with sth:意为“认为某人具有某种特质或行为”,They identified him with his father's crimes.(他们认为他有父亲的罪行。)